Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 9th, 2012 (305 words!)

The lump forming in my throat,
Chest tightening,
Eyes welling up…
And can you guess what happens next?

Tears bursting,
How could you be so angry with me?
How can you be like this?
I am so happy,
Be supportive,
Be happy for me!
I can’t believe you burst on me like that!
What did I do to deserve this?!?
To blame me for not involving you in my life?
Maybe you should try and spend some time with me.

It’s as if a cool piece of ice burst into flames.
You just lost!
You wouldn’t hear me out.
He means so much to me,
I finally found someone who is everything I could ask for.
You should be happy I finally got over the boy you described as “white trash”!
I understand you’re stressed,
I understand “daddy’s little girl”
But all I ask is for you to listen,
And understand.
I’m 16 for goodness sakes!
It’s my life,
Let me live it!
I feel like I’ve done so good earning your trust.
Like I’ve measured up to your standards,
So for you to treat me as if I’m not trustworthy,
It hurts,
It hurts so freaking bad.

I’ve gone through so much this past year,
 And I’m finally happy again,
I have someone who treats me right,
Who believes the same things as me,
And he makes me laugh!

Please be happy for me,
I want you involved in my life so much,
You have just been so busy lately,
And I’ve had so much homework,
I haven’t had time to talk about everything,
And for that I apologize.

I love you daddy,
Please don’t be mad at me,
Take some time to listen to what’s going on in my life,
Without arguing,
Just talking that’s all for now…
I have vented…

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