Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 17th, 2012 (316 words!!!)

The power of first impressions, the instant moment of judgment, why do we see the bad before the good? It’s as if criticism runs through our cold heartless veins. We are always looking for a reason to hate people, why we shouldn’t love them.

What are we afraid of? Being hurt? Betrayed? Why do we keep running from people? Someone once told me, it’s easier to be alone, without friends, than to be with them. It’s easier to follow your own path and not have to worry about others, but you are much better off taking the hard way, the rocky path, to climb the growing mountain. So why not take the hard way next time? Climb over every log in your path instead of going the extra mile to walk around it, just so you don’t have to feel the pain of climbing it, and dealing with what’s in your path. Try to find the good in someone before the bad, instead of searching for their flaws, look for their beauty, because we know you do it because you’re insecure. That’s why we all do it, we look for the negative in others to make ourselves feel better about our imperfections. It is a weakness that we all deal with, it’s natural. But why can’t we change that? I know how it feels to have people take one look at me and decide they don’t like me, and it sucks, because I’m almost positive that if they took the time to get to really know me, that we could be great friends. But too many people make a judgment call on me and go off of first impressions. Just try to get to know me, and if you still don’t like me, then fine, but at least you don’t like me for the real me and not just what you see on the outside.  

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