Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15th, 2012 (304 words!)

The wind whipped the rain against her face as she ran to his house, it was four thirty in the morning but she had to know. She had to know what she did wrong, what did she do to deserve this hurt? She knew they were over, but she had to know why. She ran for two hours, her heart pounding, she arrived as his lonely front door. The lights switched on in his room, and the door opened.
"What do you want?" he rudely questioned,
"I just want to know why, what did i do wrong?"
"We just had different dreams, and you were too pushy."
She left that night, after knowing still feeling unfulfilled, why? She knew he was lying, she knew there was another girl, she just didn't want to accept it, so for four months she blamed herself. Then at the end of the summer, it finally comes out... over a text message.
"Well while I was at nationals for ROTC in Florida five months ago, I went to a party with my buddies, and I messed around with a girl... ok a few girls." he finally told her.

"how many girls? were you drinking? do you regret it? why?" she asked.

"four, in one night, i was high, and no i don't i liked it, and i wanna keep doing it."

She told him she didn't care, that it didn't bother her, that she had fun with plenty of guys over the summer too, but she lied... She was missing him and hoping that he would come back around all summer. Why is it, that finally knowing the truth, she still doesn't feel fulfilled? Because it hurts so bad, that's the answer, he broke her, and she doesn't know how she'll ever be able to trust a guy again.


  1. I don't know why, but this post made me cry a little. Probably because a long time ago, I got that same type of text >:( Anyways, I've very interested :D Good work, I love you! <3

    1. thanks girl :) yeah it was hard to write, but i think that because of a certain someone i'm finally over it :)
