Monday, October 15, 2012

Ocotber 13th, 2012 (336 words!)

As i sit, basking in my happiness, all done for the day, i realized, i have to write! oh man, i thought i was done for the day! All i want to do is go watch Pretty Little Liars! oh well, I guess it's time to let my thoughts out. So i had a thought, and i'm ready to share it with you.

I think i'm sick... As a matter of fact, i think we're all sick, because we spend every day of our lives, trying to meet some standard, trying to get everything done, thinking about this and that. It's like we have a sickness of... well... i just can't think of the word, but you know, we are busy all the time, we try to fill up our days, you know how when you have a free saturday, you make plans to do something so you don't look like a loser at home all day? Well i know that feeling, i'm always trying to keep myself busy, and when i'm home, i always have music playing. My mom pointed this out to me the other day, she told me i fill all of my time up with music all the time, and that I should limit the amount of time i spend listening to it, and just think, just open my mind... This was SUPER hard for me to do, and i didn't know why. And then it hit me, I listen to music to blur my thoughts out, because i'm scared of what comes to my mind, of the horrible thoughts i'll have. Why do they tend to be so negative? So to keep those thoughts out i drown them with music, and i make that my life, i am leading a fantasy life of what songs are written about! like it's reality or something! I'm going to have to get to the bottom of this, I have to get control of these notions, because they are only going to drag me down.

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