Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 3rd, 2012 #2 (204 words!)

They’re here to stay,
Through thick and thin,
And they will love you no matter what,
And you will love them…

But you’ve heard this all a trillion times,
Have you not?
So lets take it from a different perspective shall we?
Family is like a lemon,
It is so sour,
And sometimes almost unbearable,
If you press lemons,
Add a spoonful of sugar,
And stir them together,
You have sweet lemonade,
That you can never get enough of.
Now I know the sour part can drive you insane,
And it can be hard to get past,
Without the sour how could we appreciate the sweet?
I mean,
If your family was all lemonade and peppy all the time,
It would get annoying!
Who wants to be around someone that never has any sour?
No pain or suffering,
Just a happy go lucky life?

My point here today is,
Next time you have some sour,
Before you follow in the lead,
Make the decision to press that lemon,
And make some sweet,
But not overly sweet lemonade.
Might as well make the best out of the time we have,
Because we never know which day should be our last.

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