Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16th, 2012 (576 words!)

I was reading peoples blogs today, and my friend Cameron had written "we are to be forgotten" and that puzzled me, I loved that he said that, but it made me think, really hard. And here's what I came to.

Will we truly be forgotten? Because I don't want that, I want to be someone, someone that was there so much that so many little things that people do makes them think of me. Like a girl whom used to be my best friend, we spent so much time together, and had so many fun moments, times that I couldn't remember if you asked me to, but when around the same thing, or a place where the memory was made, I remember, and it eats at me everyday. To be haunted by these memories, wonderful memories of someone who is no longer there. I don't want to be remembered as "Oh yeah that girl had great style" or remembered for my love for fashion.

But what do I want to be remembered as?

Every time somebody thinks of me or hears my name, I want them to think of Adriel, that girl that was always there, always ready to listen and be there for you. Never afraid to stand up for what she thinks is right, not afraid to say no, or to stick up for her friends. The girl that would be there for you no matter what, who would love you through thick and thin, that wasn't judging, whether she agreed with what you did or not. I don't want to be just another girl that you went to high school with, I want to know you, and I want to be your friend, not one that you meet twice and friend on facebook and forget about a month later. But one who even when you are nowhere near, checks up on you, and cares about you.

I know a lot of people don't care about me like I do them, but for some reason, it doesn't change my love for them. Most people never check how i'm doing, or even care, but I ask them anyways, because I care, and I get it, people loveee to talk about themselves, and it doesn't bother me much anymore.
 I don't know why I have such an attachment to people, but I just do, I don't have to know you really well or be best friends with you to care, just give me a chance to know you, i'm the kind of person that if you try to push me out and away from you, I will only push back harder, not exactly to force you into liking me, but because I know, that if you give me a chance, and stop just looking at the surface you see, you will like me.
I don't mean to sound cocky, but too many people take a look at me and think i'm some stuck up blonde, that does nothing but shop, but when you really get to know me, I am really a girl that loves to work with her dad in the dirt, ride dirt bikes, skateboard, and just do silly random things. So just give me a chance... please... I'm so sick of being judged by my outward appearance, and I don't want to be remembered as what you see on the outside. I want people to reminisce about the girl on the inside..... Adriel....


  1. I will always remember you as the girl who once said, "Behind the back high five, Mr. A" at a basketball game, and I tried, and I missed, but you were kind enough to ask. Isn't it weird how it's always the smallest, most insignificant things that seem to matter most? Nice job.

  2. This is from the heart and it shows. It's great your honest.
