Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 19th, 2012 (764 words!!!)

Losing your mind part 1

I crept down the creaky wood stairs, it was dark and cold, my hand brushed the bumpy wall, I rounded the corner, and there it was. A door, a lonely door that I’ve never laid eyes on before in my life. It was black and had cracks running vertically down it, and the hinges were coated in grumpy rust. Written on the door was gold writing that read;

“Enter, and you will experience a world in which you can’t fathom, something about yourself you will discover beyond this opening, something that you have hidden from others, and yourself, enter at your own risk.”

I was startled and leapt back, I was ready for an adventure, but more than anything, I was ready to find myself. So I opened the squeaky door, one step in I peaked back over my shoulder onto my happy colorful world, and I entered.

The door thrust shut and slammed behind me, and without checking, I knew the door was locked… that always happens in movies. So into my new world I went. I was in a dark room and I could see nothing but a light across the empty space. I approached it and looked through, I saw people, everywhere. They were all so happy, they were singing and dancing! This wasn’t so bad I thought, it looks like I’ll fit right in! I felt around for a way out, and I found a knob, and I rotated it, excited to enter this peppy new world. I skipped down a bright green grassy hill with a huge smile on my face stretching from ear to ear. I stopped at the end of the grass line, ready to enter this bustling town. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the sidewalk. Suddenly, the instant I walked into the town square, a mother with her baby screeched like a cougar on the prowl.
“What’s wrong?!?”
I was ready to help save the day, when everybody in the quaint little town scattered like ants in the rain and darted for safety.

What was going on?!?”
I was so confused! I didn’t know what to do! Should I run screaming like the others? Or should I save the day? Maybe I should find out what’s wrong first. So I crept to the heart of the town, while passing by a huge fountain I peaked in to see the treasures that silly dreamers had tossed in.
“hmmm, just pennies galore”
When suddenly I caught a glimpse of my reflection.
What was wrong with me?!?!?
“…I’m….. hideous! AN ANIMAL!!!”

Now I understood why everyone was terrified, I’m a monster! Why, in a perfect beautiful world would I look like this? I drug my feet as I hopelessly wandered out of town, where I can do no more harm.

After psending a cold lonely night in the forest I started off to look for the door… any way out, I didn’t care where to, I just needed to get out. I couldn’t stand to be a large hairy animal with sharp jagged teath! It was disgusting! My hair was all over my body and it was so matted, I felt like I hadn’t showered in years! But worst of all I smelt so bad! Like I rolled around in rotting fish!

I JUST WANT OUT!” I screamed at the top of my lungs shattering the silence of the forest. I just didn’t understand why this new beginning would make me so ugly. I sat on a tree stump and just thought about why this is happening. Then it hit me!

“something about yourself you will discover beyond this opening” was written on the door! I get it! the world is trying to show me… that on the inside… I’m a monster.
“wow, that hurts to hear.”
I closed my eyes and decided at that moment, that if I ever get out of here I will become beautiful on the inside too. I wont tease the nerds or make fun of the frizzy hair girls anymore!

Then all of a sudden I heard a twinkling noise, I opened my eyes, and there in front of me, was the tall black door. I turned the knob for hopefully the last time and stepped back into my basement. I closed the door and on it was a mirror that read;
“Now that you’ve found yourself, you’re beautiful on the inside too, now go show the world the new you.”
And I was determined to honor that, everyday, for the rest of my life.

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