Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1st, 2012 (256 words!)

A shadow,
A mysterious duplicate of our own being,
An empty, breathless figure.
Or is it?
Maybe, just possibly,
It’s a secret life,
Have you ever wondered where you shadow goes at night?
Where does it disappear to when there is no light to make it?
Do shadows have their own world?
A secret society?
One that they hide from us,
That we will never know about?
Are they really characterless,
Featureless, bland, dull, dreary,
Uninspiring silhouettes?
Or are they us?
When we are dreaming,
The life that we see in our sleep,
Is really our life from the view of our shadow.
Is that where déjà vu comes from?
Have we lived this life before?
But in the form of a dark colorless…
I tried to follow my shadow,
My secret person,
But I lost it in the dark.
It sneaks away the moment my lights turn off,
And it escapes to it’s unknown planet.
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night,
To use the bathroom or get a glass of water,
And looked around for your shadow?
I doubt it,
We are too tired to think of a silhouette,
And that’s why we have never noticed it’s gone.
We all lead a top secret life,
One that we know not of,
That we never even knew we had.
A place where we can be whoever we want to be,
We can stay out all night,
And never even know it.
This is truly,
A puzzling thought…
Think about it…


  1. This is absolutely fantastic Adriel! I love the whole idea behind it! You are so creative and your mystical way of writing creates such an alluring tone. :)

  2. Wow! This is by far my favorite writing of your's yet! I can honestly say I never thought of this, and now the wheels are turning at double-speed thinking about my shadow and where it goes when I sleep and the mysterious life it leads! This is SO good! You should enter this into a competition or something!
