Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4th, 2012 (312 words)

Being at one with nature,
Living off of the bare necessities,
Now I’m not talking about taking an RV,
A barbecue and some Doritos,
Ohhhh nooo!
I’m talking about being out,
For days on end,
With nothing but your backpack.
Fending for yourself,
Catching your food,
Filtering your water,
And best of all,
Sleeping under the stars.
Being out alone,
With only your thoughts,
And whoever your companions might be,
No TV,
No magazines,
No communication with the outer world.
To be able to breathe the crisp clean air,
To bask in your glory once you conquer a mountain,
When you get to celebrate your hours of hard work,
By standing at the peak,
 and taking in the beauty of the rolling hills.
While so many of us look our of a high rise at man made structures,
And we think it is a truly beautiful view.
Well it kind of is,
But nothing compared to nature,
Not one thing is the same,
Hundreds of thousands of trees that go on for miles,
Lakes and streams that we could never re-create,
The animals that we don’t see in the suburbs,
And best of all,
The land with no roads.
It seems as though you can’t quite pin point the magical feeling of this experience.
The feeling of being free,
Not worrying about school,
Or dinner,
Or your date this weekend,
But having a clear mind,
Have you ever truly gone even ten minutes without thinking of something you need to do?
 I doubt it, most of us haven’t.
But someday I hope you can experience this,
The true beauty of it,
To be able to breathe in the smell of pine that isn’t a car freshener,
Or to eat real fish that doesn’t have preservatives,
Or to drink from a lake without ice or chlorine.
 Because this is the real deal

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