Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 21st, 2012 (264 words!)

Ok! it's official! i'm beyond nervous to write my novel!!! I haven’t stopped thinking about it for days! I have to make so many fillers in my story, to make it so much bigger than a short story! This is gong to be crazy! Although at the same time I am super excited, how many of my friends get to say they are published writers? Not many! I’m excited to go through this with some of my good friends! I am going to be able to write a whole novel without anybody telling me what to do or how to write! Nope I give up, I was trying to sound really excited and stuff, but truth is that I am super duper nervous! How am I supposed to push aside my social life for a month! That’s the most important thing to me! I love people! And I want to be with them! I want to go to the mall and have sleepovers and just have fun! How in the world am I supposed to do that! AGHHHHH!!!! This is one of the first times I have absolutely NO idea what to write about! I just want to go eat cookies… and stare at the rain… and now my dad is watching football, which makes me so mad! I hate how football is on all the time! He gets so sucked in and we all have to be quiet so he can watch it! I can’t wait for football season to be over! I’m done venting now and I have reached my required word count.

October 20th, 2012 (267 words!!!)

Rage writing

The thoughts building up in my head,
Oh the ideas,
Like I’m at the top of a mountain of boulders,
And I push one down,
Just for fun,
But instead it causes an erosion, and before I know it hundreds of rocks fall with the one,
And each instigating a new rock to slip loose,
Causing the whole mountain to crumble,
As they erode beneath my feet,
They tear me down with them,
Taking with me my heart and soul.
But leaving behind all my thoughts,
Forcing me to feel,
Not think,
I am without contemplation
And must write with only my heart and soul.

This is what writing is for me, when I just let loose, and write without thinking, an avalanche, an erosion, of everything my heart wants to write. It is the only way I can let everything out, without having to think about what I should say next, what I shouldn’t say. What could get me in trouble for thinking, because my writing wont judge me. It wont tell me my feelings are wrong, or that I shouldn’t love him, or that I shouldn’t think that. It accepts me for who I am, the real me, there’s no being fake with my words. Because they are for me and only me. If my readers decide to judge me for it then that’s their problem, as long as my writing loves me, I am safe. My secrets are safe in my writing, for it will not tell, it will not gossip about me. Writing is the only way for me to express myself without having to hold back, and that is why I love it.

October 19th, 2012 (764 words!!!)

Losing your mind part 1

I crept down the creaky wood stairs, it was dark and cold, my hand brushed the bumpy wall, I rounded the corner, and there it was. A door, a lonely door that I’ve never laid eyes on before in my life. It was black and had cracks running vertically down it, and the hinges were coated in grumpy rust. Written on the door was gold writing that read;

“Enter, and you will experience a world in which you can’t fathom, something about yourself you will discover beyond this opening, something that you have hidden from others, and yourself, enter at your own risk.”

I was startled and leapt back, I was ready for an adventure, but more than anything, I was ready to find myself. So I opened the squeaky door, one step in I peaked back over my shoulder onto my happy colorful world, and I entered.

The door thrust shut and slammed behind me, and without checking, I knew the door was locked… that always happens in movies. So into my new world I went. I was in a dark room and I could see nothing but a light across the empty space. I approached it and looked through, I saw people, everywhere. They were all so happy, they were singing and dancing! This wasn’t so bad I thought, it looks like I’ll fit right in! I felt around for a way out, and I found a knob, and I rotated it, excited to enter this peppy new world. I skipped down a bright green grassy hill with a huge smile on my face stretching from ear to ear. I stopped at the end of the grass line, ready to enter this bustling town. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the sidewalk. Suddenly, the instant I walked into the town square, a mother with her baby screeched like a cougar on the prowl.
“What’s wrong?!?”
I was ready to help save the day, when everybody in the quaint little town scattered like ants in the rain and darted for safety.

What was going on?!?”
I was so confused! I didn’t know what to do! Should I run screaming like the others? Or should I save the day? Maybe I should find out what’s wrong first. So I crept to the heart of the town, while passing by a huge fountain I peaked in to see the treasures that silly dreamers had tossed in.
“hmmm, just pennies galore”
When suddenly I caught a glimpse of my reflection.
What was wrong with me?!?!?
“…I’m….. hideous! AN ANIMAL!!!”

Now I understood why everyone was terrified, I’m a monster! Why, in a perfect beautiful world would I look like this? I drug my feet as I hopelessly wandered out of town, where I can do no more harm.

After psending a cold lonely night in the forest I started off to look for the door… any way out, I didn’t care where to, I just needed to get out. I couldn’t stand to be a large hairy animal with sharp jagged teath! It was disgusting! My hair was all over my body and it was so matted, I felt like I hadn’t showered in years! But worst of all I smelt so bad! Like I rolled around in rotting fish!

I JUST WANT OUT!” I screamed at the top of my lungs shattering the silence of the forest. I just didn’t understand why this new beginning would make me so ugly. I sat on a tree stump and just thought about why this is happening. Then it hit me!

“something about yourself you will discover beyond this opening” was written on the door! I get it! the world is trying to show me… that on the inside… I’m a monster.
“wow, that hurts to hear.”
I closed my eyes and decided at that moment, that if I ever get out of here I will become beautiful on the inside too. I wont tease the nerds or make fun of the frizzy hair girls anymore!

Then all of a sudden I heard a twinkling noise, I opened my eyes, and there in front of me, was the tall black door. I turned the knob for hopefully the last time and stepped back into my basement. I closed the door and on it was a mirror that read;
“Now that you’ve found yourself, you’re beautiful on the inside too, now go show the world the new you.”
And I was determined to honor that, everyday, for the rest of my life.

October 18th, 2012 (315 words!)

The pounding of the heavy rain on the metal cover outside my sliding glass door. It’s so loud it almost drowns out the hustle and bustle of the city, it’s kind of… peaceful. Like I’m back home, running around on my beautiful grassy acres that I used to love so much. Gazing in aw of the 360 degree view we had of all the land around me, the hills stretching beyond the horizon, as far as the eye could see.

I miss home, having room to run, a tree house to play in, fresh clean air to breathe, friendly neighbors, and no noise but the gentle whisper of the wind and the pitter patter of little critters in the bushes.  

I could sit outside and think for hours! It was a place where my imagination could roam wild for hours on end! Without a worry in the world, no neighbor boys to make annoying jokes to me, no screaming kids or fighting couples. Life was so great, so calm and serene, and refreshing, I miss it.

Isn’t it weird that we don’t realize what we have till it’s gone? I took everything for granted back home. The view, the land, everything, and now it’s gone, forever. I now live in a house that looks like a clone of every other house on the block, same drab boring color, same windows, same yard, same… everything. My backyard is the size of my little bedroom, and I am so close to my neighbors that I can hear everything about their personal lives! Every phone call, every crying baby, every fight, every song played, I just want to be able to talk outside with my friends without the whole neighborhood knowing what I’m talking about.

No matter where I go, no matter where I live, my home will always be back in my quaint little house in Washougal.

October 17th, 2012 (316 words!!!)

The power of first impressions, the instant moment of judgment, why do we see the bad before the good? It’s as if criticism runs through our cold heartless veins. We are always looking for a reason to hate people, why we shouldn’t love them.

What are we afraid of? Being hurt? Betrayed? Why do we keep running from people? Someone once told me, it’s easier to be alone, without friends, than to be with them. It’s easier to follow your own path and not have to worry about others, but you are much better off taking the hard way, the rocky path, to climb the growing mountain. So why not take the hard way next time? Climb over every log in your path instead of going the extra mile to walk around it, just so you don’t have to feel the pain of climbing it, and dealing with what’s in your path. Try to find the good in someone before the bad, instead of searching for their flaws, look for their beauty, because we know you do it because you’re insecure. That’s why we all do it, we look for the negative in others to make ourselves feel better about our imperfections. It is a weakness that we all deal with, it’s natural. But why can’t we change that? I know how it feels to have people take one look at me and decide they don’t like me, and it sucks, because I’m almost positive that if they took the time to get to really know me, that we could be great friends. But too many people make a judgment call on me and go off of first impressions. Just try to get to know me, and if you still don’t like me, then fine, but at least you don’t like me for the real me and not just what you see on the outside.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16th, 2012 (576 words!)

I was reading peoples blogs today, and my friend Cameron had written "we are to be forgotten" and that puzzled me, I loved that he said that, but it made me think, really hard. And here's what I came to.

Will we truly be forgotten? Because I don't want that, I want to be someone, someone that was there so much that so many little things that people do makes them think of me. Like a girl whom used to be my best friend, we spent so much time together, and had so many fun moments, times that I couldn't remember if you asked me to, but when around the same thing, or a place where the memory was made, I remember, and it eats at me everyday. To be haunted by these memories, wonderful memories of someone who is no longer there. I don't want to be remembered as "Oh yeah that girl had great style" or remembered for my love for fashion.

But what do I want to be remembered as?

Every time somebody thinks of me or hears my name, I want them to think of Adriel, that girl that was always there, always ready to listen and be there for you. Never afraid to stand up for what she thinks is right, not afraid to say no, or to stick up for her friends. The girl that would be there for you no matter what, who would love you through thick and thin, that wasn't judging, whether she agreed with what you did or not. I don't want to be just another girl that you went to high school with, I want to know you, and I want to be your friend, not one that you meet twice and friend on facebook and forget about a month later. But one who even when you are nowhere near, checks up on you, and cares about you.

I know a lot of people don't care about me like I do them, but for some reason, it doesn't change my love for them. Most people never check how i'm doing, or even care, but I ask them anyways, because I care, and I get it, people loveee to talk about themselves, and it doesn't bother me much anymore.
 I don't know why I have such an attachment to people, but I just do, I don't have to know you really well or be best friends with you to care, just give me a chance to know you, i'm the kind of person that if you try to push me out and away from you, I will only push back harder, not exactly to force you into liking me, but because I know, that if you give me a chance, and stop just looking at the surface you see, you will like me.
I don't mean to sound cocky, but too many people take a look at me and think i'm some stuck up blonde, that does nothing but shop, but when you really get to know me, I am really a girl that loves to work with her dad in the dirt, ride dirt bikes, skateboard, and just do silly random things. So just give me a chance... please... I'm so sick of being judged by my outward appearance, and I don't want to be remembered as what you see on the outside. I want people to reminisce about the girl on the inside..... Adriel....

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15th, 2012 (304 words!)

The wind whipped the rain against her face as she ran to his house, it was four thirty in the morning but she had to know. She had to know what she did wrong, what did she do to deserve this hurt? She knew they were over, but she had to know why. She ran for two hours, her heart pounding, she arrived as his lonely front door. The lights switched on in his room, and the door opened.
"What do you want?" he rudely questioned,
"I just want to know why, what did i do wrong?"
"We just had different dreams, and you were too pushy."
She left that night, after knowing still feeling unfulfilled, why? She knew he was lying, she knew there was another girl, she just didn't want to accept it, so for four months she blamed herself. Then at the end of the summer, it finally comes out... over a text message.
"Well while I was at nationals for ROTC in Florida five months ago, I went to a party with my buddies, and I messed around with a girl... ok a few girls." he finally told her.

"how many girls? were you drinking? do you regret it? why?" she asked.

"four, in one night, i was high, and no i don't i liked it, and i wanna keep doing it."

She told him she didn't care, that it didn't bother her, that she had fun with plenty of guys over the summer too, but she lied... She was missing him and hoping that he would come back around all summer. Why is it, that finally knowing the truth, she still doesn't feel fulfilled? Because it hurts so bad, that's the answer, he broke her, and she doesn't know how she'll ever be able to trust a guy again.

October 14th, 2012 (256 words!)

Geometry, U.S. History, Biology II, Photography, Drawing, all i want to do is write!!! CREATIVE WRITING!!! I don't even have anything specific to write about! but you know what's weird? That every time I sit down to write, and I try to write about the first thing that comes to my mind, i think of the three little pigs, and how much horror they must have felt having that big bad wolf blow down their houses! i mean they must have worked so hard on them! he was so rude to ruin their strenuous labor! I just want to grab each little pig and bring them home and set them up with some food and a warm blanket and let them sit next to my fire. Wow now that makes me think of pigs in a blanket, hmmmm i've never tried those, i wonder if they taste good, maybe i could trick them into thinking i'm loving them and taking care of them, then wrap them in blankets that are really made out of dough, then i can throw them into my fire!!! wow... that was a very horrible thought... i'm going to stop now before any other freaky weird stuff comes out of my mouth... oh man i don't have enough words yet, poop, you know i thought of a really weird word the other day, somebody said it and i just thought it was the funniest thing EVER! wanna know the annoying part though? I DON'T REMEMBER THE WORD AT ALL!!! hahaha ok bye

Ocotber 13th, 2012 (336 words!)

As i sit, basking in my happiness, all done for the day, i realized, i have to write! oh man, i thought i was done for the day! All i want to do is go watch Pretty Little Liars! oh well, I guess it's time to let my thoughts out. So i had a thought, and i'm ready to share it with you.

I think i'm sick... As a matter of fact, i think we're all sick, because we spend every day of our lives, trying to meet some standard, trying to get everything done, thinking about this and that. It's like we have a sickness of... well... i just can't think of the word, but you know, we are busy all the time, we try to fill up our days, you know how when you have a free saturday, you make plans to do something so you don't look like a loser at home all day? Well i know that feeling, i'm always trying to keep myself busy, and when i'm home, i always have music playing. My mom pointed this out to me the other day, she told me i fill all of my time up with music all the time, and that I should limit the amount of time i spend listening to it, and just think, just open my mind... This was SUPER hard for me to do, and i didn't know why. And then it hit me, I listen to music to blur my thoughts out, because i'm scared of what comes to my mind, of the horrible thoughts i'll have. Why do they tend to be so negative? So to keep those thoughts out i drown them with music, and i make that my life, i am leading a fantasy life of what songs are written about! like it's reality or something! I'm going to have to get to the bottom of this, I have to get control of these notions, because they are only going to drag me down.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 12th, 2012 (252 words!)

What is a balloon with no air?


What is a lake with no water?


What am I without you Lord?


You breathed life into me,
You gave me a reason to live.
A reason to keep fighting,
To keep pushing on.

You are my everything.
I am nothing without your love,
Without you guiding me,
Every step of the way.

Why do you love me so much?
For I have wronged you so bad,
So many promises I’ve broke,
So many lies I’ve told,
And yet you still care so much.


To be honest,
My friends who wrong me time and time again,
I eventually grow angry with,
And too hurt to go on,
And the friendship ends,
And the love is gone.
So why is it that you let me keep hurting you?
Let me keep failing you,
And disappointing you,
But you still love me?
You still pursue me,
You love me just as much as you did the day I was born.


You knew my name before land,
You had a plan for me before I even existed,
How can I ever be good enough for you?

But you don’t ask me to,
You don’t ask me to live up to a standard,
Just to love you,

I am nothing without you Lord,
I am a bee with no honey,
A cop with no crime,
A sky with no sun.
I am absolutely nothing without you,
For without your abounding love,
I am,


October 11th, 2012 (364 words!)

Baby, let me tell you how you make me feel,
When I’m with you I feel like a bird on a clear sunny day,
Flying over a field of flowers.
Without a single care in the world.
You make me feel like a beautiful butterfly,
Fluttering over a sparkling lake.
Every time I see you face I feel like I have just walked into a shimmery beautiful room filled with all of the people and things I love.
When you hold me,
I feel warm and cozy,
Like sunrise on a frosty morning,
When the sun sails over the hills just to bring a warm glow to your face.

Now let me tell you what I like about you.
I adore how you stare into my eyes when I talk to you,
Like you really care,
Like what I’m saying really matters.
I admire your charm,
You can be romantic and sweet,
But you are also so funny!
You always know how to make me laugh and how to put a smile on my face and keep it there.
I love that you think the stupid little things I do are cute.

Oh my goodness I can’t keep making this a poem! So here’s the bottom line! I like you, a lot, I like how you treat me, that you can make me feel safe after I’ve been hurt so bad. I thought that after being betrayed so much that I wouldn’t be able to trust any guy for a long time. I thought that last guy ruined it for me. But you stole my heart, like you knew exactly what I needed, and right when I needed it. What I need was you. God is always right there, in my heart constantly, and he has been healing my broken heart, but I think he decided to hand you the needle and thread and let you help, to let you show me that I can still trust someone, that there are guys who still care. That they can still treat a girl right. Thank you for helping mend my broken heart, and once you have fixed it, you can have it.

October 10th, 2012 (255 words!)

After being hurt so bad,
How am I to trust again?
I really like you…
I really do.
But what if things don’t work out?
How can I go through those emotions again?
They were almost unbarable,
I wept for days,
I felt so horrible,
So broken,
Like someone was repeatedly stabbing my heart,
Again and again.
But I just wont  die,
My body wont let me,
I just have to take the pain constantly.
I’m so scared of that,
Of having to endure that hurt again.

The feeling of being cheated on…
Instead of thinking he’s jerk,
I ask myself what I did wrong.
Was I so horrible that he had to turn to other girls?
That I didn’t fulfil him?
Was I not good enough?
Am I too boring?
If I had given him what he wanted,
Would we still be together?
Is physical touch all that guys care about?

I want to believe you’re different,
That you’re better than him,
That you’ll treat me right,
And that you really care about me.
But I thought about the last guy,
And I thought he was amazing,
That he would never hurt me,
That he meant it when he said he loved me,
And I was wrong.
Boy was I so wrong…

So how can I bring myself to love again?
I don’t know…
Please help me,
Prove to me that you’re different,
That I’m worth something,
And that you care about me,
Not my body or looks…

Because I want to love again.

October 9th, 2012 (305 words!)

The lump forming in my throat,
Chest tightening,
Eyes welling up…
And can you guess what happens next?

Tears bursting,
How could you be so angry with me?
How can you be like this?
I am so happy,
Be supportive,
Be happy for me!
I can’t believe you burst on me like that!
What did I do to deserve this?!?
To blame me for not involving you in my life?
Maybe you should try and spend some time with me.

It’s as if a cool piece of ice burst into flames.
You just lost!
You wouldn’t hear me out.
He means so much to me,
I finally found someone who is everything I could ask for.
You should be happy I finally got over the boy you described as “white trash”!
I understand you’re stressed,
I understand “daddy’s little girl”
But all I ask is for you to listen,
And understand.
I’m 16 for goodness sakes!
It’s my life,
Let me live it!
I feel like I’ve done so good earning your trust.
Like I’ve measured up to your standards,
So for you to treat me as if I’m not trustworthy,
It hurts,
It hurts so freaking bad.

I’ve gone through so much this past year,
 And I’m finally happy again,
I have someone who treats me right,
Who believes the same things as me,
And he makes me laugh!

Please be happy for me,
I want you involved in my life so much,
You have just been so busy lately,
And I’ve had so much homework,
I haven’t had time to talk about everything,
And for that I apologize.

I love you daddy,
Please don’t be mad at me,
Take some time to listen to what’s going on in my life,
Without arguing,
Just talking that’s all for now…
I have vented…

October 8th, 2012 (256 words!)

So as I sat in my bed last night just thinking about everything under the sun, it hit me. The question I have been asking myself repeatedly since creative writing started. What is behind my doors? Behind the doors that I have locked, that the little girl behind the door is screaming to let out. Well I finally unlocked the door!!!! I found what I’m hiding from myself! You see, when I was very young, 5th grade to be exact, I was bullied, I was made fun of by a group of girls at our school who thought they were so much better than me because I wasn’t girly. So I completely changed who I was, I went from the biggest tomboy ever, to a preppy annoying girlie girl. I did all of this just to be accepted, to stop being judged so badly… and after time passed, I was able to find a balance between my girly and tomboy, and now I’m realizing, that being bullied forced me to find my girly side, and to realize, that being a fashionista and all that stuff is who I really am. It took so much pain and hurt, and so many bad thoughts to realize it, but I did. I am so happy that I finally unlocked this door!!! I have been trying to figure it out for so long now, and it just hit me! Sometimes we have to go through hard stuff, but there is almost always light at the end of the tunnel :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 7th, 2012 (293 words!)

I’m going to talk to you about beauty,
Not supermodel beauty,
Not standard expectations of beauty,
True beauty.

True beauty is something that we all have,
Society tell us that we need to have this body,
To dress this way,
And to wear this makeup,
But that isn’t real.
We are all beautiful in our own way.
You are beautiful,
You are different,
Stop picking at your flaws,
Stop telling yourself you aren’t good enough,
Because what you see isn’t what I see.
When I look at you I see a beautiful girl,
One with overwhelming passion for what she loves,
A girl that is determined,
Someone who is herself and not striving to be someone she isn’t,
Just to “fit in”.
You are so beautiful.

Every freckle,
Every hair,
I love it all.
Stop nagging about your body,
It’s just how it was meant to be,
You’re perfect just the way you are,
In your own extraordinary way.
Stop letting those magazines lie to you,
Don’t let them deceive you anymore,
Because you are beautiful just the way you are.
God made you the way he wants you,
It wouldn’t be right if you were any different,
You were made this way for a reason!
So please,
Stop telling yourself you aren’t good enough,
Instead switch it around,
Tell yourself you are beautiful,
That every little pimple is temporary,
That it doesn’t take away from your beauty,
That you love your body,
Because everybody else loves you the way you are,
I know it’s hard,
 And it will take time to get used to,
But you need confidence,
Because that is the most beautiful thing,
And you need more of it.

I love you the way you are,
Because you,
Are beautiful.

October 6th, 2012 (253 words!)

We look at them and are disgusted,
We see them as a flaw,
An imperfection,
Or a failure at beauty.
As if it makes us ugly.
We see them as a sign of us getting old and saggy.
But when I see wrinkles,
I see wisdom,
I see experience,
I see a person that has lived a full life,
A person full of amazing stories,
And someone that is over flowing with knowledge.

Each wrinkle was put there for a reason,
Each one was crafted in it’s one beautiful way,
Not one is alike.
Each one has a story,
A history,
A reason why it’s there,
That you have been worked to your extreme,
And that it was all worth it.

Wrinkles are beautiful things.
Live your life without worry,
Without concern of old age,
Enjoy the life you have while you have it.
Treat every moment as if it’s your last,
Don’t spend another moment concerned about what is to come,
Focus on the now.
A crevasse in the skin is like a river running through a valley,
When I look at someone’s hands I admire the veins,
Like fluid blue and red passion running through your body.
Why do we discriminate these wrinkles?
Why do we try to get rid of them?
Why would we avoid them?
They are a part of who you are,
A beautiful creation,
A story.
One that only you know,
One that only you will ever understand,
These creases are the story of your life.

October 5th, 2012 (291 words!)


A place so dark,
Filled with so much pain,
So much hurt,
And so much betrayal.
With so much grieving,
Why is there so much joy?
So many smiling faces?
How can people show so much love,
After being through so much devastation?
I expected tears and faces flooded with horror,
People young and old overwhelmed with the hardships they’ve faced.
But instead I was engulfed in their abundant love,
They just held me like everything was alright.
These children who have lived in a dump,
Whom are digging through garbage,
Struggling for their next meal,
And striving for the love of their families.
They just long to be wanted,
And to feel the touch of someone who cares.
I have never been somewhere so amazing,
Somewhere filled with so much poverty,
But so much hope.
Hope is such a strong word,
I don’t understand how someone could summarize that word into the dictionary,
When it means so much,
It’s so powerful,
Something I can’t even express or explain.
We misuse that word to much,
We use it for such silly things,
Like I hope I get this toy for Christmas!
Or something like that,
When people in other places are hoping for so much more,
They hope that one day they can provide for their family,
That one day they will be loved,
And we have brought the meaning of that word down so much.
So maybe,
Next time you want something,
A new shirt or something,
And are upset about not getting it,
 Think about other people,
like the children in Nicaragua,
who are so thankful to get a piece of chocolate,
or a hand me down pair of shoes,
learn to be thankful for what you have.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4th, 2012 (312 words)

Being at one with nature,
Living off of the bare necessities,
Now I’m not talking about taking an RV,
A barbecue and some Doritos,
Ohhhh nooo!
I’m talking about being out,
For days on end,
With nothing but your backpack.
Fending for yourself,
Catching your food,
Filtering your water,
And best of all,
Sleeping under the stars.
Being out alone,
With only your thoughts,
And whoever your companions might be,
No TV,
No magazines,
No communication with the outer world.
To be able to breathe the crisp clean air,
To bask in your glory once you conquer a mountain,
When you get to celebrate your hours of hard work,
By standing at the peak,
 and taking in the beauty of the rolling hills.
While so many of us look our of a high rise at man made structures,
And we think it is a truly beautiful view.
Well it kind of is,
But nothing compared to nature,
Not one thing is the same,
Hundreds of thousands of trees that go on for miles,
Lakes and streams that we could never re-create,
The animals that we don’t see in the suburbs,
And best of all,
The land with no roads.
It seems as though you can’t quite pin point the magical feeling of this experience.
The feeling of being free,
Not worrying about school,
Or dinner,
Or your date this weekend,
But having a clear mind,
Have you ever truly gone even ten minutes without thinking of something you need to do?
 I doubt it, most of us haven’t.
But someday I hope you can experience this,
The true beauty of it,
To be able to breathe in the smell of pine that isn’t a car freshener,
Or to eat real fish that doesn’t have preservatives,
Or to drink from a lake without ice or chlorine.
 Because this is the real deal

October 3rd, 2012 #2 (204 words!)

They’re here to stay,
Through thick and thin,
And they will love you no matter what,
And you will love them…

But you’ve heard this all a trillion times,
Have you not?
So lets take it from a different perspective shall we?
Family is like a lemon,
It is so sour,
And sometimes almost unbearable,
If you press lemons,
Add a spoonful of sugar,
And stir them together,
You have sweet lemonade,
That you can never get enough of.
Now I know the sour part can drive you insane,
And it can be hard to get past,
Without the sour how could we appreciate the sweet?
I mean,
If your family was all lemonade and peppy all the time,
It would get annoying!
Who wants to be around someone that never has any sour?
No pain or suffering,
Just a happy go lucky life?

My point here today is,
Next time you have some sour,
Before you follow in the lead,
Make the decision to press that lemon,
And make some sweet,
But not overly sweet lemonade.
Might as well make the best out of the time we have,
Because we never know which day should be our last.

October 3rd, 2012 (115 words)

The future,
what is to come,
or is it?
Is there really such a thing as the future?
How can we name something in which we know nothing about?
What if we don’t have a future?
whom are we to talk about our future that may not happen?
Why don’t we focus on the present?
For it is a gift we have received.
So why must we focus on what is to come?
When I think of the future i think of a deep black hole,
one that has an end eventually,
and i just keep hoping,
that the bottom of that pit is far.
what is the future,
if it is anything at all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2nd, 2012 (260 words)

You came out of nowhere,
I twas not searching,
Nor did I expect you,
It’s as if you appeared out of thin air,
Just to love me.
And now,
No matter how hard I try,
I just can’t seem to get rid of you.
You’re like a freckle,
I can’t decide whether you’re there or not,
And sometimes I can’t stand you,
But overall,
I love and adore you.
You know just the right way to hold me,
How did you know how I like to be held?
But how could someone so amazing,
Be so dishonest,
How can you lie to me so much?
How can you repeatedly break my heart?
And why do I still love you through it all?
I like to call us the romeo and Juliet couple,
For we seem to be in love,
But our parents tend to disagree,
Why can’t they be happy for us?
Why can’t they support us?
Well it just doesn’t matter anymore,
Because I have finally found someone,
Someone that holds me better than you,
Who treats me how I should be treated,
And well,
He is just so much better than you.
I can’t believe how long I was blind!
He makes me feel so special,
So important,
Like I’m the only one he could ever love,
Like he’ll do anything for me,
But then again,
I am too young to know true love,
And so is he,
So we will just see what happens,
But until then,
We will just keep going the way we are.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1st, 2012 (256 words!)

A shadow,
A mysterious duplicate of our own being,
An empty, breathless figure.
Or is it?
Maybe, just possibly,
It’s a secret life,
Have you ever wondered where you shadow goes at night?
Where does it disappear to when there is no light to make it?
Do shadows have their own world?
A secret society?
One that they hide from us,
That we will never know about?
Are they really characterless,
Featureless, bland, dull, dreary,
Uninspiring silhouettes?
Or are they us?
When we are dreaming,
The life that we see in our sleep,
Is really our life from the view of our shadow.
Is that where déjà vu comes from?
Have we lived this life before?
But in the form of a dark colorless…
I tried to follow my shadow,
My secret person,
But I lost it in the dark.
It sneaks away the moment my lights turn off,
And it escapes to it’s unknown planet.
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night,
To use the bathroom or get a glass of water,
And looked around for your shadow?
I doubt it,
We are too tired to think of a silhouette,
And that’s why we have never noticed it’s gone.
We all lead a top secret life,
One that we know not of,
That we never even knew we had.
A place where we can be whoever we want to be,
We can stay out all night,
And never even know it.
This is truly,
A puzzling thought…
Think about it…