Friday, November 9, 2012

October 30th, 2012 (263 words!!!)

More novel! this is continued straight off from where i left in the last post :)

“What was that all about?” Alli questioned after walking in silence for a few minutes.
“It was nothing, well, I don’t know.” Then Macy proceeded to inform Alli on everything that had happened within the last two days.
“Well what do you think about it? Do you want a kid?” Even though Alli was a ditzy blonde, she knew how to straighten up and talk seriously when she needed to, and she was always there for Macy.
“That’s the thing! I just don’t know! I’d love to have a daughter, one that I could wake up to every morning, and make her breakfast, but I just don’t think I’m ready, I always expected to just get married and one day just have one of my own. I never thought I’d be single my whole life with an adopted little girl.” Macy explained to Alli.
“Well life isn’t what we plan for it to be Macy, maybe that isn’t what your purpose in life is, maybe you’re still single so that you can save a little girl who lost her family, and be a loving mother to her, if it’s meant to be, then things will happen to make sure it works out.”

“Thanks Alli, I’ll look into it, I’ll go to the banquet, and we’ll see what happens, and I’ll keep you updated for sure. Now can we stop talking drama and just shop? I need to find a nice dress to wear to the banquet.”

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