Friday, November 9, 2012

October 29th, 2012 (544 words!!!)

They loved to look at the new booths that moved into the mall every weekend, they always played with the remote helicopters, and got their makeup and hair done, and ate every sample they could get! As they examined the new booths as Macy looked up, to look at the booth in front of her, and she gave a smile to the lady in the stand with a name tag reading “Lia Hensworth.”
“That name sounds familiar,” Macy thought to herself, then she looked at the sign, Life Change, it was the adoption agency! Oh no! She quickly escaped into Forever 21, hoping that Lia didn’t recognize her. Soon she realized that they have never met in person, so she wouldn’t have recognized her anyways.
“Wow, now I feel like a dumb blonde,” she mumbled, not realizing that Alli was standing right next to her, she desperately hoped she hadn’t heard her say that. Although deep down, she could tell by the look on Alli’s face that she did hear, but Alli was too sweet to ever say anything about it, or acknowledge how rude it was that Macy would say something like that.
“I’m sorry Alli, that was so rude and out of line,” Macy quickly apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, I get it every day… I’m used to it.” that only made Macy feel even more horrible, Alli was really hurt, Macy didn’t know what was wrong with her self, she never said rude things, especially on impulse! What was this whole Life Change incident doing to her? She had to deal with it.
              Macy marched directly over to Lia Hensworth and said what she needed to before she chickened out;
“Mrs. Hensworth! My name is Macy Lively, we talked on the phone today about my RSVP, I have never been interested in adopting a child, I’m single, living in a tiny apartment, and have no time for a child! But Life Change keeps popping back up into my life over and over again over the last two days, so I decided I needed to go to the event. But now I’m second guessing my decision, I’m so nervous, I have no reason for going, and I have not been myself since I RSVP’d and I’m going crazy. So please forget this whole thing, I will not be sitting at your table at the banquet, I am not going, and you may withdrawal my RSVP right away thank you.” Macy was out of breath but felt good about her attention demanding speech.
“Miss. Lively, I’m sorry about how you are feeling, but maybe it is for a reason, you do not have to come to the banquet, but I will save your spot just in case you decide to change your mind. And if you realize why this is making you so anxious then just give me a call and I will happily talk to you, or we can meet for coffee, just let me know.” Mrs. Hensworth calmly finished and reached into her pocket, withdrawing a business card,
“Here is my card with my personal phone number on it, call me anytime.” Macy accepted the card, and looked at Mrs. Hensworth for a second then walked away without another word.

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