Friday, November 9, 2012

October 25th, 2012 (458 words!!!)

More novel :)

“whoosh” Macy swiped her work ID to clock out for the night.
“Bye Macy!” Her cheerful co workers pronounced as they gave a joyful little wave.
“Bye Susan, have a goodnight Dave” She said her goodbyes till tomorrow and headed out the door. It was rainy and windy, but she didn’t mind, she loved the rain, although the wind whipping her face wasn’t so fantastic, she opened up her bright red umbrella and exited the library. As she shlumped through puddle after puddle she passed Starbucks, which taunted her with the lingering smell of their seasonal spiced pumpkin lattés, but she knew that if she got one she would never sleep tonight. So she strolled on by pretending that the aroma wasn’t taunting her. She walked past a couple sharing a kiss under their oversized umbrella, and it took every bit of strength she had to hold back tears.
              The last boyfriend Macy had broke her heart, he left for a business trip one day and came home and just dumped her, with no fair warning, he just left her, and told her it was because she had too big of dreams, ones that he couldn’t live up to. Even though she knew that wasn’t the real reason. Later on she found out that he had cheated on her, and just wanted to have fun and spend his nights at the club instead of in bed with her.
“What a bastard” she mumbled to herself as a little old lady walked by and gave her a scowl for her foul language. So since that catastrophe three years ago she has been happily single. At least that’s what she tries to convince herself, although she really isn’t, she is lonely, she hates being single, but she doesn’t see how she could ever trust again.
               “Who wants to be with a dainty little librarian anyways? Besides Meg Ryan in You’ve Got Mail, or Hugh Grant in Notting Hill, just face it Macy, you just aren’t lucky like Meg or Hugh.” She approached her apartment complex, B32 were the letter and numbers that hung on her door, the only thing differing her apartment from the other three hundred besides the rotting pumpkin next to her welcome mat outside her door. She reached into her second hand Coco Chanel purse she got for $30 at Goodwill four Christmas’s ago, it had a rip in the seam and a missing embellishment on one of the pockets but she didn’t mind, it as still from a designer! Although she never told anybody that it was second hand, it made her seem more sophisticated and responsible if she paid full price for it at Nordstrom.

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