Friday, November 9, 2012

November 3rd, 2012 (250 words!!!)

Fish, it was fish? That was what they decided to serve? FISH?!? The one meat that Macy hated! It is definitely an acquired taste, and she never happened to acquire it! But after she examined other peoples happy reactions she knew that just like the tea, she was going to have to force herself to eat it and pretend to like it.
“Damn this sucks! How could anybody like this? I just don’t get rich people!” Macy typed in a text to Alli while she was in the bathroom trying to escape the sophistication for a moment, even if it was in a bathroom. Then again, this restroom was just as big as her house! There was a freaking couch in there for goodness sakes! After a few minutes of gathering herself back together she reentered the ballroom, and sat back down at her spot, welcomed back by the fish still lying on her plate. She finally just finished it, quickly, but still politely. She was trying so hard not to gag.
“Ok ladies and gentlemen! We will now start our presentation that you have been waiting for! Please direct your attention to the screens behind me.” Lia pointed back at the screens and made her way off stage. The lights faded, and the projector placed the footage on the big white screen, it was a long depressing video showing what happened in Hurricane Katrina, and introduced some of the girls looking for homes and a family in the video.

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