Friday, November 9, 2012

November 1st, 2012 (372 words!!!)

She pulled up to the hotel and a valet kindly helped her out of her car and took her keys and he handed her a ticket, 421 was her car number. She took a deep breath and entered the building, she then made her way to the ballroom. As she walked in she marveled at the beauty of the room, huge elegant chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the red and blue patterned carpets made her feet feel so comfortable and supported. Windows surrounded the whole room looking out over the little town, they were clothed in beautiful long flowing black drapes from ceiling to floor. Although why there was such a magnificent hotel in little Primwood she would never understand, but she was happy it was there, she had never been somewhere so beautiful.
“Macy?” A voice from behind her hesitantly asked.
“Yes? Oh hello! How are you?” It was Lia; she was wearing a black floor length gown with white satin gloves. It was simple and elegant, just stunning.
“I’m wonderful darling! Just wonderful! I wasn’t sure if that was you or not, I’ve never seen you dressed up before! Although we have only met once about a week or so ago at the mall. Well anyways, I am so happy to have you here! Our table is number 1 up front! Oh! And this is my husband George! George this is Macy, the lovely lady I was telling you about with all of the coincidental events that happened leading her here!”
“Hello, it’s very nice to finally meet you, my wife has been very excited to have you here.” George shook her hand, he was a tall man with thick grey hair, that was combed very nicely. He wore a black suit with a deep red tie and white button up shirt, very classy and expected.
“Well come along darling! Come to our table with us! We will all sit down and be ready to be served!” Lia loudly and obnoxiously announced
“Man she was a peppy one, I hope I can put up with it all night.” Macy nervously thought. They made their way to the front of the room to their table. Macy felt out of place

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