Friday, November 9, 2012

November 6th, 2012 (390 words!!!)


         A little over a month passed, it was December 1st, and Christmas was fast approaching. Macy only need $1,300 left till she could officially adopt a little girl. She had been to the shelter many times, but just couldn’t find the right girl, but she was going again today, in hopes that the right girl would be there.
         She pulled into the Life Change shelter at 10:30am, and she just sat there for a moment, staring into the distance, just hoping that she would find the girl, what if she never did? And all of this was just for nothing, all of the wonderful people that have donated would have given their money for nothing!
“STOP IT MACY STOP IT! just keep your thoughts positive! YOU WILL FIND THE RIGHT GIRL!” Macy scolded herself. She thrust the car door open and walked into the shelter in determination, with her head held high!
“Well hello again Macy! You are looking rather darling today!” Lia said as usual.
“Are you here to look at our new girls? We have acquired four new little girls, ages 4, 7, 8, and 11, I know you prefer 8, so i hope you like them! Come on back!” Lia told Macy.
“Alright Lia, thank you, I have a very good feeling about today, in all honestly I believe that today is the day! So lets go find me a little girl!”
They entered through a colorful hallway, the walls were layered in coloring pages that the little girls of the shelter had colored over the past 10 years the organization had been open.
“We have never thrown away one drawing ever,” Lia happily informed Macy. They soon entered the girls bedroom, wall to wall were bunkbeds. Just one big room filled with fifty little girls, all broken, all homeless, and all without a family. Why was it so hard for Macy to pick one? They were all so great! All so young and talented, and so cheerful, all they wanted was to be loved.
         “I will bring out the four girls you haven’t met into the conference room to you.” Lia motioned to the door into the conference room and Macy entered. It was a little room, with a table in the middle, and two chairs on one side and one on the other.

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