Friday, November 9, 2012

October 26th, 2012 (354 words!!!)

She quickly drowned the noise of the whiny women on the TV out and drifted off to sleep, when suddenly the phone rang. She jumped up in terror throwing the popcorn bowl that was in her lap when she fell asleep into the air, blanketing the floor in the little white edible clouds of butter and salt. It was her best friend Allison.
“Hey Macy! Whatcha doin?” Allison energetically asked
“Oh nothing just working out” Macy lied, just trying to make her life sound more productive.
“OH COOL! Wanna go dancing? Huh huh huh? Then we can have a sleepover like old times back in high school! And we can have a pillow fight and eat candy and… I don’t feel so good, I gotta go bye Macy.” Allison quickly hung up the phone.
“Bye?” Macy placed the phone on the couch next to her, she got that feeling that Alli was drunk again; as a matter of fact she knew Alli was drunk. She hated it when she went out drinking, she got so worried about her every time, she always tried to get Alli to let her drive her home after drinking but she always denied her help and said she was fine. But Macy was afraid that one day she wouldn’t be so fine.
              Knowing there was nothing else she could do Macy focused her attention on the TV and finished the new episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. She then switched off the television and drug herself to bed, only to start again tomorrow. Wait a second! Tomorrow was Saturday! Macy quickly sat up in bed;
“What should I do tomorrow?” suddenly her mind was racing with all of the possibilities,
“Horse back riding? Shopping? Go see Alli, or wait! Maybe I should do something out of the ordinary and super extraordinary! Like skydiving! Or white water rafting! The choices were endless!”
But she knew she wouldn’t be brave enough to do any of those extraordinary things. So she decided to just go shopping with Alli, if she wasn’t too badly hung over of course. 

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