Friday, November 9, 2012

October 27th 2012 (284 words!)

Macy glanced across the room before she shut her eyes to sleep, and a letter in a blue envelope caught her eye. So she got up and examined it, it had an American flag stamp in the corner; it was from an adoption agency called Life Change.
“Hm that’s weird.” Macy thought to herself. So she opened it, and sat down to read it;
“Dear Miss Lively,
              With great honor we would love to invite you to join our banquet dinner to raise money to save children who lost their families in disasters. It will be held at the Red Lion Hotel in Primwood on October 28th 2012 at 6:30pm, and you must RSVP as soon as possible to save your spot!
                           Lia Hensworth (CEO of Life Change)”

“Why would they send this to me? I don’t need a kid?” Macy wondered;
“Or do I?”

OK!!! i am having so much fun writing this novel at some points! Although at others i absolutely hate it! i have a really hard time motivating myself to sit down and write it! But i'm finally getting to some action and i can't wait to share SOME of it with ya'll!!! At the same time i just want this all to be over! i should just write the 50,000 words in one day! that would be hard and easy! i just have a hard time sitting for a long time! and staying focused! but eventually i can do it! i can write a lot when i'm not having to think about it making sense together! but writing a novel is so hard! 

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