Friday, November 9, 2012

November 2nd, 2012 (311 words!!!)

Two waiters arrived at the table with a tray of plates, they were all covered in salads, of course, appetizer before meal, Macy really wasn’t used to this. Her Top Ramen and Macaroni and Cheese every night didn’t come with an appetizer, unless it was a bag of Lays. The salad looked like a master piece, it had avocado, banana peppers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and feta cheese crumbled all over it, and to top it off, it was garnished in an expensive balsamic vinaigrette.
“Oh no!” She was freaking out in her head!
“There are two forks! Which one do I take?!? I knew I shouldn’t have come to this! What if I use the wrong one and make a fool of myself!” She was losing it! A sweat was coming on, this was not good, before she picked up the wrong one she secretly examined what Lia did. She picked up the outside one first, and so did everybody else! So she did too, either she was doing it right, or they were all doing it wrong, so she assumed it was definitely the right way! She politely ate her salad, and placed a sugar cube in her bland tea, even though if she was home alone she would have used the whole tray of cubes, she hated tea, but knew she had to pretend to like it, even without more than one cube of sugar.
“How do people live like this everyday? Do they actually like this stuff? Or are they just convinced that it makes them more fancy smancy if they ate certain foods? I bet they go home and eat like pigs, and never even touch tea! It’s like they are all fake, like they are in a daze! Damn what I would do for a Coke right now.” Macy was driving herself insane with her thoughts.

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