Friday, November 9, 2012

October 24th, 2012 (285 words!!!)

More of my novel :)

Macy worked at the local town library organizing books, all day, everyday, it was a drab and slow paced job, but she loved it. Because it was a chance for her to step out of the hustle and bustle of the real world and just be in a quiet realm filled with imagination and fantasy. It was the secret place where she could bury her nose in a book for hours on end, and not have to worry about what she was going to do for dinner, how she was going to pay off her overdue bills, or the fact that she was desperately single.
     “Shuffle Shuffle” Macy flipped through pages of her newspaper during her lunch break, which she normally took at the cafĂ© next door, but today she decided to switch it up and get a 6 inch turkey sub sandwich at Subway, which just a few blocks from the library. She skimmed each page of the local paper quickly, glancing over the advertisements; dog grooming, dental care, child adoption, free oil change…
“Child adoption? Hmmm” Macy had been single for a long time, but she had always dreamt of having a little girl of her own, one that she could read books to every night, and do her hair, and send her off to school. This adoption agency specializes in children rescued from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans seven years prior.
“Nah, I’m not ready for any kids, I barely have room in my little apartment, and I have too many unpaid bills, I could never support a child.” She quickly talked herself out of it, and it was done, she forgot about adopting a little girl.

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