Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1st, 2014 (516 words)

Well its a new year, I don't have the time to catch up on EVERYTHING i've missed when it comes to blogging, but i'm going to do my best. I wasn't blogging because I was too busy with my job with a boss that forced me to work more than I was legally aloud. I was averaging 30-35 hours a week on top of my everyday schooling. I would go to school at 7:00-3:45 most days and head straight from school to work everyday so i worked 4:30-9:00. Then I worked normally 9 hours on Saturdays and Sundays and with the little bit of free time I had I would spend time with my family. Homework was not an option for me. But I had to pay my bills so ya gotta do whatcha gotta do ya know? If I would ask for a day off and explain to my boss that I was working way more than I was legally aloud he would get mad at me and make me feel guilty, I think he was a little bit mentally abusive because he knew how to make me feel bad for leaving him there to work alone. So thus I worked and worked and worked, and now I have to do my best to get back on track to graduate. I quit my job on the 23rd and left out of town to spend time with my family in LA till the 1st. It was so nice to get away and not work everyday but now it's crunch time. i have 13 days to catch up on EVERYTHING i've missed in school! I have a novel to do as much as I can, blogging to attempt to catch up on, a semester project that I had to change last minute for Civics, a magazine to make for Fashion Merchandising and online homework to catch up on for Personal Finance. I also have to spend this next week or two trying to find a new job, one that wont abuse their authority and mess with my schooling but still pay my bills! I am so stressed! But I can do this! I know I can!
But the hardest part during this whole thing was Mr. Anderson always telling me to find a way, but nobody could come to understand that there really was NO WAY. I did what I could, but I wasn't getting enough sleep, as a matter of fact I was so sleep deprived that I felt sick every single day, and because of that I couldn't remember to do my homework. It was the last thing on my mind until i'd wake up in the middle of the night stressed that I didn't do it and i'd have to try to get it done in the first few minutes of class. But i'm free now, so please wish me luck! 500 words a day is a lot tougher than 250 but I will do my absolute best! Because there is absolutely no way I wont graduate on time! That is NOT an option!

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