Monday, January 20, 2014


 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." How come out of this beautiful passage all i can think of is that love is jealous, love is cruel, love envies and it boasts, love is proud and not very often patient; love is definitely not kind, love tends to come in darkness. It isn't really "love" what it is is a dark cloud, disguised by the flowers and the chocolates and the I love you's. I take back what I said, love is patient. It will wait however long it takes to go in for the kill, it will wait years if it has to. Love is a scary thing, it hurts all that come near. People say that they can't help who they love, that's because it cuts your heart open with a knife and makes its home inside of you, like a rat in the walls of your house it just makes a nest where you wont find it, and when you think you have, it will just simply move. But every once in awhile, love will come along in a new form, instead of darkness it is just a subtle fog. It glides in smoothly, and in through your mouth, it still has evil intentions, but sometimes the sun will shine through, the fog will burn off, and love will be what it's supposed to be. Sometimes the fog will knock on the door, and the darkness will pay a visit, but if the love is right, it will overpower all else. Love will be patient, and it will be kind, it will not envy, and it will not boast, it will not be proud, and it wont dishonor others. It will not be self-seeking, and it will not be easily angered, love will protect and keep no record of wrongs, because real love will protect and will be there to guide you through all else. I hope that one day, all of these sweet virtues will be something I will have the honor of having. I always have hope when love comes my way, but it has always been overpowered by darkness. Maybe this time the light will shine through, my hope for it is huge, but the outcome of the others dims my light. I believe that everybody deserves love, but not all are lucky enough to have it, or maybe they are lucky enough to not have it. 

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