Wednesday, January 15, 2014


As i've been sitting down everyday and spending the time writing, i've realized how much I absolutely miss it! I miss having the time to sit down and let my thoughts out! And to be able to vent and express myself and just feel so relieved! Writing has always been something very special and close to my heart, it has been there for me when nobody was. It was my go to, my release, my best friend. But without time to sit down and write I let everything build up inside, and it became too much to handle and I responded really bad to the emotional overload by just pushing it all aside. DON'T DO THAT! Seriously, confront your feelings and problems, you will be happy you did later.

Anytahooooooo, I got my graduation packet yesterday! For my cap and gown I mean. All I saw was a bunch of dollar signs so I just grabbed the sticker and put the rest aside for my parents. I hate two things in life, numbers are the biggest one, and dollar signs and spending money comes in a close second! But I guess I will have to face it all eventually. I've developed a lot of respect for my parents, when I have a job I pay my phone, gas and insurance bills and any extra stuff that I may want, well they pay that for four people. That is so crazy. I don't know how i'm going to handle that one day! Life is not going to be easy and I am so close to being at that point! I am excited to face it though, i'll never be ready so I might as well just jump in and take on the responsibility. I guess I will probably have to limit the amount of clothes I buy to about zero.... :( :( :( Clothes are my favorite thing ever, I can't stay away from them. I never thought I would grow up and have such a shopping problem. A word of advice; Don't develop a shopping problem, it's really bad, it's almost impossible to avoid once you have developed it. It is not a pretty thing when all you can think about is that pair of shoes that you absolutely need even if it means that you wont be able to drive anywhere for a month. At least you'll look good! Ugh. I have problems :( Especially when it comes to ordering stuff online. You just shop and shop and shop and you don't realize how much you are really spending! All you have to do is click add to cart and all of a sudden when you go to check out and think you spent $50 you really spent $300! But then you decide that everything in your cart is completely worth the money and you click continue purchase anyways. But I guess everybody has their own little weird problems that effect their lives. Mine just happens to be one that most people truly don't understand one bit. So many people don't care about the way they dress or how the clothes fall on their body, or if their clothes don't flatter the right areas. Well I guess I will just keep moving on with life being different! I have no problem with that!

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