Saturday, January 11, 2014


Sometimes I wonder how people survive, like when they don't have a job and don't do anything with their time. This thought always crossed my mind while working in the mall. Because when working at a kiosk you get to see every single person that walks through the mall. And after being there long enough you start to recognize people, and then you start to realize who are what we call "mall rats." These are people that are at the mall literally everyday. So let me tell you tell you about some of the mall rats I will never forget. There was this one girl, she had butt length blonde hair, she always wore a hoodie and some light wash jeans. She was pretty short and she had made a habit of going around each kiosk everyday, now working at a straightener kiosk we have to show how out product works, so if somebody wants to have their hair done, I have to do it. I probably did her hair at least twice a week. She would lie to every person and tell us that she was going to get one soon, but of course she never will. She drove me crazy. So there are different kinds of mall rats, the ones that drive you crazy like blondie, the ones that you don't know what they're doing with their life but you absolutely enjoy them, and the ones that you absolutely despise. There were two rats that I loved, one of them was this little red head girl who was a sophomore in high school and she would always come through with her best friend and her best friends boyfriend, she would just casually walk behind them with her hands up to her face. She screamed insecure, but I always made a point to talk to her, I nicknamed her third wheel, because she always was third wheeling her friends date when I saw her. But one time I saw her, and her hair was nicely done, her makeup was done and she was wearing a dress, and she had a cute guy on her arm, I yelled out "hey third wheel!" and she came over, i told her i was so happy to see her living for herself now and her boyfriend suddenly asked me what the fox says and started dancing around singing... absolutely made my day :") My other favorite mall rat is this man who speed walks through the mall! He has a mostly bald head and wears big round glasses with a hoodie, usually yellow or black, a pair of work jeans, tennis shoes and wait for it.... a phanny pack.... yup a phanny pack... So he walks the mall everyday, he swings his arms really hard and i always made a point to high five him as he came through! But the thing that made him so funny besides his clothing attire was that he didn't want to miss out on a single square foot, so he keeps his shoulder to the wall an instead of walking straight through the mall he follows every corner through the whole mall!!! He is hilarious! Then the one other mall rat is a girl who used to be one of my best friends, then something happened and she went kind of psycho and we haven't talked in a long time. But she is at the mall everyday and always glares at me as she walks by! She drives me crazy but I get some pleasure out of the fact that she is so despised at the mall because she was so horrible and pushed all of her good friends out of her life. So those are the different kinds of mall rats, I hope you enjoyed my stories :P

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