Tuesday, January 21, 2014


So I realized today that we're definitely in 2014, i've been putting 2013 on all of my blog posts! I honestly feel so dumb!

I honestly can't believe how cruel people can be, or how they can just lie straight to your face when they know you know the truth. It's like the whole I didn't take the cookie and these aren't cookie crumbs on my face bit. We've all seen it and I hope that you don't do it. I recently had a friend who's boyfriend started flirting with me and texting me all of these inappropriate things, I brought it to my friends attention and told her everything he had said. Then when she confronted him on it he made up all of these lies about it and made excuses that he was just playing around. Hunny I know when somebody is is being completely out of line and even if you were playing (which you weren't) you shouldn't be talking to any girls like that when you have a girlfriend.

You know how people say you never know what you've got till it's gone? I realized that today but in the complete opposite way, there is a person who always bothers me at school, makes me feel constantly judged and watched, and I know she is constantly talking about me. But I tend to just ignore it, but I never realized how much she really bothered me till she wasn't at school today, I felt free and like i didn't have to constantly be checking myself to make sure I don't give her anything to make fun of. I think it is so sad that somebody can be that mean of a person that they make people feel that way. That they are okay with making someone feel miserable all the time no matter what. Honestly that sickens me, people are so horrible, I can't wait to get out of high school and away from all of the petty little teenage drama. I'm completely over it and so done with it, it is absolutely immature and unnecessary. Like seriously people? This isn't going to get you anywhere in life so you might as well give up on trying to push your way through life by treating people like s***! Because it really doesn't work no matter how bad you want it to. Maybe try treating people with a little respect and then you'll get somewhere. Kids watch too much tv these days, i'm tellin ya they actually believe the crap that tv tells them. The lies that you have to be mean to be on top and that you have to push everybody out of your way. It's absolutely ridiculous! WHEN WILL PEOPLE GET A CLUE?!? Maybe one of these days someone will get it, but until then I wish them all the best of luck that they will figure out what went wrong when their head was being screwed on because really, when will you realize that the way you act like you're too good for everyone isn't getting you any friends or better grades or a good promotion. UGH!

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