Saturday, January 11, 2014


I wonder what he's thinking, standing there in front of me, looking into the eyes of everyone in their seats. What runs through his mind as he looks at us? The different look on everyone’s face. Whether pain and desperation, or a longing gaze, and some just a blank heartless stare. Does he see this? Or are we all just a student that he has to get through high school? God I wish I knew. I wonder how many teachers who say they care actually do. Or if they tell us that they care about our little problems then go home and complain to their husband or wife about stupid high schoolers and their petty problems. Our problems are bigger than they look, I know they seem small in the eyes of adults, but really in high school we encounter things that adults don't all experience everyday at work or home. We are constantly being emotionally abused, being told we aren't good enough, some of us physically and verbally abused. We are in a place of constant judgement, of constantly being told we aren't good enough. I think that adults should step back and remember how hard it was as a teenager to be made fun of because you didn't wear the right shoes one day, or because your makeup just didn't look right or wasn't done. Or because you just don't have the money to afford the current looks. Everyone should step back and look at our "petty little problems"  and realize, they aren't as small as they look. We live in a harsh and cruel world and we all need to stop being so hard on everyone. Don't push someone away because they don't live up to your standards or they mess with your look, or because you just feel as though because they are pretty they must be mean. Don't judge someone before you know them guys, they could be the most amazing person you've ever met. I know because I struggle with this everyday. People take one look at me and instantly put a label on me, I’m instantly the conceded b****. The girl who takes advantage of what she's got, but I don't let it stop me, I pursue people anyways, I make them give me a chance, and if they don't like me after they get to know me, then that's okay and i'm fine with that :) But guys, seriously don't put a label on someone before you get to know them, everybody deserves a chance to prove themselves, who knows, they might end up being your best friend! It’s happened to me before and I wouldn't wish that upon anybody, LOVE EVERYBODY BECAUSE EVERYBODY DESERVES TO BE LOVED!!!!! :D

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