Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So I had to present my semester project to my civics class today. I put together a fashion magazine based on fashion through the ages. It was from the 1700’s to current times! I put tons of work and effort and time into it and I was so excited about it. But as if getting in front of a classroom and presenting about something you’re passionate about isn’t hard enough, my entire class is mostly guys. Thus they all sat there staring at me so blankly that I think I may have peed myself a little out of intimidation. But I’m pretty sure I did really good on it! I hope I earned the grade I want!

Relationships are so crazy, I’ve been thinking about this all day because my little sisters best friend who is also our neighbor is 13 and has a boyfriend who completely controls her life; he tells her what she can and can’t do. Like seriously you’re 14 you don’t have a job and support this girl and you can’t tell her what she can do! And then on top of that, he thinks it’s okay for him to flirt with all of the girls that she absolutely can’t stand, it irritates me so much. So you tell her that she’s better than that and deserves a guy who will treat her with all the respect in the whole wide world and she tells you “but I love himmmm!!!” Like hunny you’re freaking 13 you don’t know what love is! Move on with your life already! It’s absolutely ridiculous and I get so heated about it!

This boy asked my little sister out the other day and she’s only 13 and it just infuriates me! Like she doesn’t need a freaking boyfriend! So then I have to go on and explain to her why she doesn’t need one and that he’s just going to take up so much time in her life and distract her from her schoolwork and from her sports and it just isn’t worth it! Then she spends all day everyday texting him and on the phone with him and telling him she loves him and UGH! It’s not okay! I’m definitely going to sit down and put the fear of God into this boy! I know I’m just her older sister but hey! Her big brother isn’t around to take care of these boys so all the over protectiveness gets put off on me and I just go nuts! And then people think it’s okay to tell me that she’s 13 and almost in high school and can do whatever she wants and then I just lose it! Like yes she’s 13!!!! THIRTEEN! That’s so young! She doesn’t need that and her brain is barely even developed so why should I believe that she’s ready for a boyfriend and stuff! It is just so aggravating and I could go on for absolute ever. It is so overwhelming. Why would anybody ever want a teenage daughter. I just don’t get it. 

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