Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 28th, 2012 (256 words!)

The sky,
Such a majestic artifact of our world,
One that we often do not take the time to appreciate,
It is like a painting that is different everyday,
Not once in eternity will the same clouds be in the same position,
It changes from day to night.
From the early morning sunrise,
To the evening sunset,
Although each are beautiful and colorful,
They both poses a uniqueness to them,
The colors are different shades,
The lighter more pastel colors at sunrise,
And the more vibrant and enchanting liveliness at sunset.
Then there’s the fathomless night sky,
The twinkling stars that going on for billions of miles,
How can you look at that every night and not take time to appreciate it,
To never climb out your window and admire the beauty of the night.
It’s a whole different world,
A different life,
A time that isn’t about work,
Or what you have to do the next day,
A time not filled with worries,
Or tasks,
But a time to let go,
To be with your friends,
To experience something new.
Or, a time to be alone,
To sit in bed,
And to think about everything,
Everything that you didn’t have time to ponder during the day,
Although it can be a blessing or a curse,
That is all your decision.
The sky in all it’s radiance and glory,
It waters our planet,
It brings life to our flowers,
It effects our moods,
It has a mind of its own,
And it impacts our daily lives.