Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September, 19th 2012 (264 words)


The most beautiful time of the year, when the deep colored leaves flutter to the floor and crunch under your feet while going on a leisurely stroll at sunset. That perfect moment when the radiant colors of the sun reflect off of everything and give the world a healthy glow. That time of year when everybody is bundled up in their cozy knit sweaters and cute boots and scarf’s. When you can sit on the couch with candles lit and nuzzle down with some hot coco and a good book. There is something so peaceful about fall, so majestic, everything smells so fresh, and even though everything is starting to die, it seems like new life is sweeping over every flower and tree. Summer is great, to be out of school and play in the water, and winter is beautiful when a fresh blanket of fluffy snow softly covers the ground and trees and every rooftop in sight. And spring is lovely, the time of new life and new beginnings for everything and everyone. But fall just seems to pass them all up, with all of its fun holidays and beautiful colors. The time of year when there are deep orange pumpkins and candy corn, and funny costumes everywhere. When every person in sight just looks like they are glowing with happiness. The exhausting heat has gone and the warm cloudy weather has arrived, I love fall and long for it all year, and once it has gone, I will look miss it and patiently wait till it comes again twelve months later.

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