Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25th, 2012 (268 words!)

The Boys Of Battle Ground…

The wretched boys of Battle Ground, they make me sick! And I need to vent! They will flirt and holler at anything that can walk and breathe! They are so disgusting, they just sit and stare with their jaws dropped, I swear, one day, their face will be stuck the way they look at every girl. Their eyes get wide, and their mouths open and it’s as if they are in a stupid daze! UGH they make me so angry! It is as if they have lived with guys their whole lives and are seeing a girl for the first time! And they can’t just be quaint and sweet and just think to themselves, OH NO! They have to honk their horns and scream vulgar words at you and make horrible hand gestures! I just want to line them all up and run down the line of ignorant boys and smack every single one of them! I’m telling you, these aren’t just older boys, nope, they are little boys too! Little twelve and thirteen year old boys just keep saying horrible words and whistling, and trying to get you to hug them and stuff! Just today I was out walking home from my dear friends house down a beautiful private road with trees and beautiful flowers everywhere! I love walking there and the peace and quiet, where I am just alone with my thoughts, but then of course some stupid boys, probably thirteen years old start circling around me on their bikes and saying rude inappropriate things! Oh, the boys of Battle Ground….

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