A False Perception
“Beauty is on the inside” they say.
“It shouldn’t define who you are.” Now as fantastic as this
all sounds.
The bitter truth is, that it just isn’t reality.
What you wear, how you style your hair,
And those horrid numbers we dread on the scale that scream:
Every time you step on.
These are all things that have become the center of our
And they matter more than ever before,
Whether we like it or not.
Beauty is truly a false perception of who we are.
And its meaning has been completely twisted and dramatically
Into a truly… horrifying lie in our heads,
A lie of what and who we must be to be accepted,
That if we don’t have the perfect boyfriend we aren’t
That if we have a pimple we are ugly,
And most of all, the biggest lie,
Is that if we aren’t stick skinny,
We aren’t beautiful.
But you are beautiful,
God made us to have curves,
To have some fat,
To have flaws,
Who wants a Barbie for a girlfriend?
Nobody! Don’t judge yourself so harshly,
Because chances are, everybody else thinks you are way more
beautiful than you think you are.
-Adriel McCuan
I feel so strongly about girls who beat themselves up about
their looks, who cares if you have a little muffin top? Who cares if you don’t
have flawless skin or that your bra size is too small? NOBODY cares about these
things like you do, so today, look into the mirror, and put aside all of your
so called “flaws” and say “I am beautiful” with pure confidence. Start your
morning off this way everyday if you have to! Confidence is the most attractive
thing, two girls can look the same and be absolutely stunning, but if one of
them is kept to herself and thinks she isn’t good enough and the other one
knows she is beautiful and works with what she has and is happy with herself
and confident, the she is the more attractive one. Now don’t get me wrong, this
does not mean go act like one of those preppy schoolgirls in the movies! Confidence
is different than being stuck up and conceded! You are beautiful, and don’t you
ever for a second forget it!!!
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