Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29th, 2012 (251 words!)

Have you ever looked at a door?
Now I mean really looked at it,
And pondered it.
I assume that most people haven’t,
But I have,
 A door,
It marks a destiny,
A new beginning,
Not just of walking into a different room,
But entering a new world,
And abandoning the old,
Like embarking on a new journey.
Doors can keep you from going places,
But sometimes all you need is a key,
Although then again,
Sometimes you can’t get a key,
And you are faced with the option to break through,
To find a new way in,
Because if there is really something behind that door,
Something that you need,
Whether it’s your future,
Something far greater,
Or something that you must figure out about yourself,
Your deepest darkest secrets,
Then sometimes you are left with not choice but to break in.
To pound the door down,
And to force your way through.
Doors keep many secrets behind them,
Whether a messy room,
Or a secret that you hide from the world,
And sometimes,
From yourself.
But all you have to do,
Is find a way through that door.
By doing this,
You may find a new you,
A new beginning,
The person who you are supposed to be.
A door isn’t just a piece of wood on hinges,
No, it’s so much more,
So next time you walk through a door,
Think about what’s on the other side,
Is it just another room?
Is it so much more?

September 28th, 2012 (256 words!)

The sky,
Such a majestic artifact of our world,
One that we often do not take the time to appreciate,
It is like a painting that is different everyday,
Not once in eternity will the same clouds be in the same position,
It changes from day to night.
From the early morning sunrise,
To the evening sunset,
Although each are beautiful and colorful,
They both poses a uniqueness to them,
The colors are different shades,
The lighter more pastel colors at sunrise,
And the more vibrant and enchanting liveliness at sunset.
Then there’s the fathomless night sky,
The twinkling stars that going on for billions of miles,
How can you look at that every night and not take time to appreciate it,
To never climb out your window and admire the beauty of the night.
It’s a whole different world,
A different life,
A time that isn’t about work,
Or what you have to do the next day,
A time not filled with worries,
Or tasks,
But a time to let go,
To be with your friends,
To experience something new.
Or, a time to be alone,
To sit in bed,
And to think about everything,
Everything that you didn’t have time to ponder during the day,
Although it can be a blessing or a curse,
That is all your decision.
The sky in all it’s radiance and glory,
It waters our planet,
It brings life to our flowers,
It effects our moods,
It has a mind of its own,
And it impacts our daily lives.

September 27th, 2012 (303 words!)

The art of being able to make anything beautiful,
To give anything the opportunity to have more meaning.
From a pair of underwear on the fence at school,
A lonely flower in the middle of a field,
Or an old beaten down rusty school bus.
A different way to look at things from a different point of view,
To see the charm of everything in a new way,
The ability to look at something boring and ugly,
And see the true glory in it.
To think of the meaning of everything,
To embrace it and be fascinated by it.
Photography is very much like poetry,
Poetry to me, is the skill of being able to write about the beauty in anything,
About a smelly cat,
Or a boring door,
Although these can both also be used to bring out the beauty in already lovely things.
To form a drab blanket to poses an effortless elegance about it.
It’s like a whole new world,
Something that not everybody has the ability to see,
Then again,
Maybe it isn’t that they don’t have the ability,
But they don’t have the drive,
Or the desire to look at the true beauty in everything.
Maybe people are far to caught up in the everyday scene,
The same signs on the way to work,
The same old tree that has been there for a hundred years.
But really, that sign,
At the right angle and lighting,
Makes for a beautiful picture,
And that tree, has an amazing story,
That you could write so much about,
About the way the trunk forms,
How it is different than any other tree in the whole world.
You see,
Poetry and photography are a new way to look at the world,
It’s the art of being able to make anything beautiful.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26th, 2012 (268 words!)

Dig Deeper

Dig deep, find the key and open the doors that you keep your deepest darkest secrets locked away behind them. These words have haunted me since day two of creative writing. How come no matter how many times I try to dig deep and open those doors I just can't? Am I using the wrong key? Or am I not trying hard enough? But what I fear most is that maybe I don't have anything behind those doors. What if I know everything there is to know about myself? Am I just an open book, will I ever have anything to inspire my writing? What am I hiding from myself? And why can't I find it? Does it have to do with my past? The horrible woman whom I called my grandma that I spent so much time with? Or the present? My loss of my best friend? Or did I lose so much more? Not only my best friend, but also part of my childhood? I keep trying to clock out so many memories we had to ease the pain, but should I just be thankful for the time we had? For the laughter we shared? Well my dear friends, I think I have opened a new door. A new one, on that i put up to keep out the hurt and pain. But maybe, just maybe, it's time for me to stop trying to be so strong, and just let myself cry and learn from my past and my pain. I feel a relief now, like I have learned something brand new about myself.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25th, 2012 (268 words!)

The Boys Of Battle Ground…

The wretched boys of Battle Ground, they make me sick! And I need to vent! They will flirt and holler at anything that can walk and breathe! They are so disgusting, they just sit and stare with their jaws dropped, I swear, one day, their face will be stuck the way they look at every girl. Their eyes get wide, and their mouths open and it’s as if they are in a stupid daze! UGH they make me so angry! It is as if they have lived with guys their whole lives and are seeing a girl for the first time! And they can’t just be quaint and sweet and just think to themselves, OH NO! They have to honk their horns and scream vulgar words at you and make horrible hand gestures! I just want to line them all up and run down the line of ignorant boys and smack every single one of them! I’m telling you, these aren’t just older boys, nope, they are little boys too! Little twelve and thirteen year old boys just keep saying horrible words and whistling, and trying to get you to hug them and stuff! Just today I was out walking home from my dear friends house down a beautiful private road with trees and beautiful flowers everywhere! I love walking there and the peace and quiet, where I am just alone with my thoughts, but then of course some stupid boys, probably thirteen years old start circling around me on their bikes and saying rude inappropriate things! Oh, the boys of Battle Ground….

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24th, 2012 (308 words!)

A Different Way to See

Today I was reading Laura’s newest blog post called “Positives” and she was talking about appreciating all the little things and looking at positives instead of the negatives in life. Anyways, she mentioned looking down at her floor and seeing a cheap little sparkly bead, and it made her happy, so I decided, hey I’m going to try that! So I looked down at the ground and all I saw was my rug… how am I supposed to look at the positives in my rug covered in dog hair?!? Then I started thinking about my friends, well, one specific one, one whom I used to call my best friend, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how angry she makes me and how much she hurt me! But then I thought of Laura’s blog post again, and I tried to look at things from another point of view, and to look at the positives. At that point I realized how this ending friendship has made things better for me, I have so many good friends now that she was holding me back from befriending for so long, because all she did was tell me why I shouldn’t be their friends and all of the negatives about them. Now I have people who are truly my best friends, Annii and Laura are the two girls in the world who I trust the most, and are always there to lift me up and encourage me! I can’t believe I spent so much time letting my old friend give me reasons to hate these amazing people! But instead of dwelling on the past, I am going to keep looking forward to the future, and I can’t wait to see where my new friendships go! Thanks Laura for making me look at the positives! I love you! <3 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23rd, 2012 (266 words!)

The Mystery Texter

“Hello my little pretty” read the queer text message that I got last night from a mysterious number at a party. Before we knew it, everybody in the room was getting text messages from an undercover person, although none of us knew who this person could possibly be. He talked in a very intriguing way, using words that didn’t even make sense. This birthday party had become a mystery, everybody was freaking out and shouting whom they thought it was sending out these terrifying text messages to everyone, but after almost everybody had proven that it wasn’t them, we all gave up, although we were all very squeamish when we received a new message. The mystical person somehow knew that all of us were together that night, in the same house, and knew us all by name. It was a truly horrifying experience, how did the texter know us? Our numbers? How did he/she know we were together? Some people started receiving some rather vulgar messages that were frightening; Gabby received one telling her that she would see the person in her next shower. She decided to never shower again… Who could this person be?!?!?!? He/She would have to be very smart to trick close to 15 people. Will we ever know who this person is? Yes, because most of us received a message this morning declaring that he/she would reveal his/herself Wednesday night. I’m not sure anybody can stand the wait to find out, but we must, and until then, we will lose lots of sleep and constantly be on the lookout. 

September 22nd, 2012 (334 words!)

A Different Side Of Me

I am girly, this is true, I love to shop, I love to do hair and makeup, and I love to look at the latest fashion styles. But don’t you for a second believe that that is all there is to me, because I am so different than what you see me as. I am a girl, a girl that can clean up fine and go out to have a good time at the mall, but a lot of the time I would much rather but on some tennis shoes and a hoodie and sweats and go outside and get dirty! I love playing with the boys! I love to skateboard, paintball, dirt bike, ski, you name it I love it! There are so many sides to me, so many that many people don’t give me a chance to show. I’m a girly girl, a tomboy, a hopeless romantic, a fun wild girl, and so much more. So please, before you try to tell me who I am, get to know me, know my story, my family, where I come from and why I am the way I am. Everybody sees me as this bubbly girl who has no problems and leads a happy go lucky worry free life. But I’m not, I have so much pain built up over so much time, but I’ve always been the girl who’s everybody else’s shoulder to cry on, and the girl to listen. Not very often am I asked how I am doing, and sometimes I just need someone to know me well enough to know that I’m hurting and to just listen. But I have that now, I have two amazing friends who I can trust with anything, and I am so thankful, and I love them so much, everybody needs good friends, that get them and are always there for them, so if you don’t have one, go find them, because friends are the most important thing to have.

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21st, 2012 (277 words!)

A day of silk and lace

I dream of a day, a day so wonderful, when everything is perfect, and everybody is happy. I would wear a white flowing gown, like something you would see in a movie, my hair would be in perfect curls, and my best friends all in matching turquoise dresses. Then the music would begin, summoning me to approach the room filled with all of my closest friends and family members, the music that symbolizes the new beginning of my life. I would step into the isle, blanketed in yellow flower petals, arm and arm with my mom and dad I would approach the alter. And approach the man that I would spend the rest of my life with from that day forward, till death do we part. It would be beautiful, we would have our first dance during the reception, but more importantly my dance with my father, he is everything to me, I’m definitely a daddy’s little girl. We would then spend the rest of our lives together, hand in hand everyday. Lol that’s so cheesy :P We would be that cute old couple, the one that is still after 50 years still crazy in love. Now the only thing left to do, is to find that one special guy, or I guess for him to find me. I hope that once he comes I will know right away, and that it will be something like a movie, definitely a romantic comedy. Because a guy with no humor just would not work for me!!! But one day it will all come together, and until then I will keep dreaming of it. 

September 20th, 2012 (343 words!)

The Pain Of A Broken Heart

When you think someone loves you, they tell you they’d do anything for you, when it feels just too good to be true. You know that feeling? Have you ever wondered why it feels too good to be true? Because it is,  just when you think everything is perfect, and it couldn’t get any better, IT DOESN’T!!! He decides he’s bored or something and just like that, in the blink of an eye it’s over. You weren’t good enough, as a matter of fact he was so unhappy or something with you, that he had to find his love elsewhere, with other girls. The night it all came to an end, it felt like he had taken a jagged rusty knife to my chest, cut it open and taken out my heart leaving me bleeding. But that unbearable pain wasn’t good enough for him, nope, he had to make it worse. It felt like he threw my heart into the dirt just to make the pain even worse, and shoved me to the ground and left me there with no explanation. So many girls walk in these cold worlds for months after a broken heart, and I never understood it. Like really? It’s just a stupid guy, it couldn’t hurt that bad, until you decided to make me feel that too. And now I know, that pain is very real, and now I walk in their cold dark and dull world. Sometimes it seems hopeless, like all guys are the same, like it’s a never ending hole of hurt. But I know that there are still a few decent guys out there that know how to love a girl, and only one girl, and eventually, I’ll find one for myself.

“It took so long just to feel alright, remember how to put back the light in my eyes I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed, because you broke all your promises, and now you’re back, but you don’t get to get me back”
-Jar of Hearts by Christina Perrie 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September, 19th 2012 (264 words)


The most beautiful time of the year, when the deep colored leaves flutter to the floor and crunch under your feet while going on a leisurely stroll at sunset. That perfect moment when the radiant colors of the sun reflect off of everything and give the world a healthy glow. That time of year when everybody is bundled up in their cozy knit sweaters and cute boots and scarf’s. When you can sit on the couch with candles lit and nuzzle down with some hot coco and a good book. There is something so peaceful about fall, so majestic, everything smells so fresh, and even though everything is starting to die, it seems like new life is sweeping over every flower and tree. Summer is great, to be out of school and play in the water, and winter is beautiful when a fresh blanket of fluffy snow softly covers the ground and trees and every rooftop in sight. And spring is lovely, the time of new life and new beginnings for everything and everyone. But fall just seems to pass them all up, with all of its fun holidays and beautiful colors. The time of year when there are deep orange pumpkins and candy corn, and funny costumes everywhere. When every person in sight just looks like they are glowing with happiness. The exhausting heat has gone and the warm cloudy weather has arrived, I love fall and long for it all year, and once it has gone, I will look miss it and patiently wait till it comes again twelve months later.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September, 18th 2012 (386 words)

A False Perception

“Beauty is on the inside” they say.
“It shouldn’t define who you are.” Now as fantastic as this all sounds.
The bitter truth is, that it just isn’t reality.
What you wear, how you style your hair,
And those horrid numbers we dread on the scale that scream: “IMPERFECT TRY HARDER!”
Every time you step on.
These are all things that have become the center of our life,
And they matter more than ever before,
Whether we like it or not.
Beauty is truly a false perception of who we are.
And its meaning has been completely twisted and dramatically transformed,
Into a truly… horrifying lie in our heads,
A lie of what and who we must be to be accepted,
That if we don’t have the perfect boyfriend we aren’t accepted
That if we have a pimple we are ugly,
And most of all, the biggest lie,
Is that if we aren’t stick skinny,
We aren’t beautiful.
But you are beautiful,
God made us to have curves,
To have some fat,
To have flaws,
Who wants a Barbie for a girlfriend?
Nobody! Don’t judge yourself so harshly,
Because chances are, everybody else thinks you are way more beautiful than you think you are.
-Adriel McCuan

I feel so strongly about girls who beat themselves up about their looks, who cares if you have a little muffin top? Who cares if you don’t have flawless skin or that your bra size is too small? NOBODY cares about these things like you do, so today, look into the mirror, and put aside all of your so called “flaws” and say “I am beautiful” with pure confidence. Start your morning off this way everyday if you have to! Confidence is the most attractive thing, two girls can look the same and be absolutely stunning, but if one of them is kept to herself and thinks she isn’t good enough and the other one knows she is beautiful and works with what she has and is happy with herself and confident, the she is the more attractive one. Now don’t get me wrong, this does not mean go act like one of those preppy schoolgirls in the movies! Confidence is different than being stuck up and conceded! You are beautiful, and don’t you ever for a second forget it!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

September, 17th 2012 (315 words)

Today Mr. Anderson tried to get us to open the doors that we have locked with our deepest secrets hidden inside, and to let them all out, we may not even know what the are or that we locked them away because we have pushed them aside for so long. We were told to write down what we find. I didn't find anything, I tried so hard to dig as deep as I could and learn something new about myself, but I found nothing. I felt like behind my door is never ending dark hallway with hundreds of doors, but only one key in the world will open them, but it's hidden at the grim and starless unreachable depths of the enormous ocean that I can never reach no matter how hard I try. I need to learn how to let myself out, if I have no way of getting the key to my doors, then I am just going to have to find another way, maybe pick the lock? Or maybe blow up the doors, whatever it takes, I will find a way. What if there is nothing to find about myself? What if I’m just an open book with no secrets? Nothing that I’ve hidden over the years? It can’t be! There has to be someone in there that I’m not anymore, that little girl inside of me, you know, the one that used to dream of flying, the one that would jump off the porch with an umbrella after watching Mary Poppins? Where can I find that girl? Where is she hiding? I’m determined to probe into my past and find her, and what it was that gave her all of these magical and mysterious ideas. I won’t quit until I find her, I will find a way.

It is never too late to be what you might have been.
-- George Eliot