Monday, March 25, 2013

March 9th, 2013 (529 words!!!)

I don't want to play your childish games, if you don't want to be my friend for no apparent reason, then ok, I don't need to let you push me around, nobody believes the BS you're saying anyways. So this isn't hurting me at all. You are making up things in your head, coming up with reasons to hate me, so ok, that's your decision. If you don't want to be friends then ok, if you want to be friends then say something and we can work it out! But don't go around playing your little games, don't gossip about me and spread rumors, I mean it's just making you look stupid, I didn't do anything to you, and you think that i'm lost without you? Hun, I am perfectly fine without you :) I'm living life and loving it! I have tons of friends who care about me, I still care about you, but I guess I will just love you from a distance :)
But don't go around whining about how nobody loves you, because seriously, we are all standing right here, we care about you and love you, but you wont let us, instead you chose to make up lies, so many that i think you are starting to convince yourself they're true! It's getting annoying, just throw the cards in already, because in case you haven't noticed, i'm not playing along, i'm not coming back to you on my knees begging for you to be my friend again silly, i don't need that! If you're going to be a sucky drama causing friend, then i'm not interested in a friendship with you, it isn't worth my time, i'm not going to waste my time on your lies and gossip :) But you need to get your stuff figured out, because you are hurting and irritating a lot of people, and you are driving the rest insane! But I wish you the best of luck in life :) And I hope it treats you well, I don't wish anything bad upon you, I don't hate you, I just don't need you, but I hope your relationship with your boyfriend is amazing, you guys are so cute together! And i hope that your best friend and you build so many amazing memories, I hope that the dreams and memories that haunt you go away, that the man who hurt you will be severely punished, because it is not ok to treat you the way he did. I hope that you live your life to the fullest, and that you are always happy, I hope that someday you can find a way to feel comforted without hurting yourself. I love your fun and quirky style, I love your accepting and loving personality, you never judge anyone and that was one of my favorite things about you! You always know how to bring a smile to someones face and brighten their day, it's an amazing gift that you have! I hope you learn to live everyday like it's your last and I hope you are overwhelmed with pure happiness and joy. I love you no matter what Hammy.


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