Monday, March 25, 2013

March 8th, 2013 (563 words!!!)

I don't mind if you tell me how you feel, what is going on in your life or ask for advice, i love that people come to me :) BUT! Please don't only talk to me when you need someone to listen to your problems, because I want to be your friend, and hear the good in your life too! Not just what's wrong, I don't want to be the person that you ignore and talk to once every few months to tell me about how your boyfriend dumped you and tell me how miserable your life is. I want to hear about the trip you took to Venice, and about your sweet 16 and how your family is doing, and everything that makes you happy! I want to know the full story, not just the bad. 

I saw a man in a suit leaning over a bridge the other day, and it was instant Deja Vu! 17 AGAIN!!!! When I saw that I started going on and on about how that man is about to fall off of that bridge and go back to being 17 and blah blah blah, the girl I was in the car with just stared at me like I was crazy... But when you hear about a 17 year old boy claiming that he is really 30 or 40..... you'll know why :)

Wow i am only at 230 words :/ this is hard!!! 

Well, I had a thought the other day, one that i actually want to act on. One that will change my life forever. I don't want to wait till I graduate to start living, why should I wait? I could die at any moment, and I would not be ready to, I didn't live my life to the fullest I could! So I want to live every day like it's my last, yes i know that is a little cliché, but it's true, I want to do something amazing everyday, I don't want to spend anymore time sitting on the couch watching TV or playing games. I don't want to spend any more time worrying, being sad or angry. Why should I waste life being angry at someone? It will pass! Shit happens and there is nothing I can do about it! So might as well just roll with it! I want to wake up every morning ready to face the day! Not knowing what I’m going to do, but just do it! I want to do amazing stuff! I want to see the world! I realize that traveling isn't much of an option right now, but one day it will be! I want to make people smile, make their day better, not worry about how silly or stupid i look! Even if it's just dancing across the street, buying a stranger a cup of coffee, telling a girl she looks beautiful, or just a simple smile, anything can brighten someone’s day :) I want to be an adventurer! See the world a whole different way than anyone else! Live life the best I can!!! I don't want to argue with my sister, or fight with my parents, I don't want to take my brother for granted, because he could be gone any day, I don't want to waste one more day!!!  It's time to start living life a whole new way :)

1 comment:

  1. "I want to make people smile, make their day better, not worry about how silly or stupid i look! Even if it's just dancing across the street, buying a stranger a cup of coffee, telling a girl she looks beautiful, or just a simple smile, anything can brighten someone’s day." I love that Adriel, it's a good motto to live by. I am excited to heat about the crazy amazing things you will do in the future.
