Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March 10th, 2013 (502 words!!!)

The art of self destruction. Lies. Once we tell a lie, it becomes a part of us, and when we are caught, some of us will own up to it. While others will tell another one to get out of it until they are caught again. Once a single lie is told enough times we start to believe them ourselves, we convince ourselves that these new inventions of the truth are reality, that it's what truly happened. Until one day, our whole life is a lie.
Although lying is an evil and despicable act, it is also an art. It takes pure creativity to design a new lie to cover an old one. It takes wit, and originality, imagination and individuality, it is a true skill.

I tip my hat and nod my head to those who can lie day after day, I am on one side jealous of their amazing capability of thinking up anything on the spot, to be able to make up a whole new life for yourself every single day. To look someone you love and care about in the face and tell them anything but the truth. But I am also desolate for them, I can't imagine the dark world that they would have to live in to be so deceptive and scheming.
I wonder what pushes one to be such a fraud, like a counterfeit dollar that makes its way through hundreds of lives without being caught or accused. What could make someone so scared to tell the truth that they feel as though they must live a lie?
Could it be society? Because we must lead perfect and beautiful lives? Or is it the fear of being caught in our mistakes? That we are so guilty that we would tell any lie to get away from having to face the truth?

Even though nobody may know our lies, we do, and I believe that every single one eats away at you. Like a termite slowly eats away at your houses foundation. Your lies will slowly eat away at your humility, your self worth, and who you are. You will soon forget whom you used to be, because each lie will lure you deeper into a dark world, one in which there is possibly no way out. One that will torture you, and isolate you from all that is pure and beautiful. If there is a way out, it is honesty, owning up to every deceptive lie that has ever left your deceitful lips.

Lies are the demolition of ones self, no matter what, it will just dig a hole in our lives until there is nowhere left to stand, until all that is good and honest is gone. Until we have become a lie, our whole lives, a lie. Every lie you tell is a part of you. So be careful of what you say, and be attentive to your actions. Direct your capability to think up a lie so quickly to something more useful.


  1. Adriel, I think this may be my favorite thing you have ever written! It is soooo good. Especially the comparison to the hundred dollar bill. This was really well written, thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you so much Gabby!!!!! <3
