Monday, December 17, 2012

November 14th, 2012 (516 words!!!)

After driving through the snow about fifteen minutes they came upon Alli’s house, just as Macy realized that she had forgotten to call Alli to warn her they were coming! It would just have to be unexpected. She gently handed the taxi boy some money and a large tip.
“Just a second little miss!” He yelled out the passenger window to Egypt,
“Have a candy cane sweetheart! And merry Christmas, have a wonderful night!” He put the striped candy into the palm of Egypts hand and she thanked him then ran to the door where Alli was standing, looking a little confused.
“Thank you ma’am for being the one nice customer i’ve had tonight, you brought me some Christmas cheer.” He mentioned as he handed her a candy cane too.
“You didn’t think I only give them out to kids did you?” He asked in a sarcastic voice as he winked and handed her the candy, wrapped around it was a piece of paper with his phone number. She glanced up and thanked him attempting to hide the fact that she was blushing. She softly closed the door and gave a wave and a smile as he drove off. Then she turned around to see Alli standing in the doorway, she could tell right away that she was concerned.

“You snuck out of the fire escape and told her you were taking an adventure? Then made the poor thing walk in the cold for blocks? And now I watch you flirt with a taxi driver? What is going on Macy?” Alli was so confused and worried, but mostly anxious to get an answer. Macy was scared to answer,
“I don’t know, someone called my house and threatened me, then when I ignored it, a bullet came crashing through my window barely missing Egypts head... Then the phone rang again and it was the same frightening voice, telling me that if I didn’t give him what he wanted, he would kill her!” She instantly fell to the ground weeping,
“I’m so scared Alli! What do I do?!?” She asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Why didn’t you call me? And what the hell does he want? Is it money? Why is he after a little girl? I need more details Macy!”
Alli was becoming very upset, she was very protective of Macy and never let anyone bully her!
“He.. *sniff* He said he wanted her locket, the one she had just opened moments before the call.” Macy explained as she found her way back to her feet.
“Well give him the damn locket! Buy her a new one and you can get out of this situation!” Alli yelled in an upset voice.
“I can’t! It’s the only thing left from her parents! I can’t even get it open and I don’t know what’s in it! You should have seen her face light up when she opened it, it’s the only piece she has left of them! How could I take that from her!” Macy was crying again, this was too much drama for her.

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