Monday, December 17, 2012

November 10th, 2012 (405 words!)

Three weeks passed, it was Christmas Eve, the stockings were hung above the fireplace, the cookies and milk were out for Santa, and the presents were nestled under the tree. Macy and Egypt sat next to the window with their hot cocoa and candy canes watching the snowfall from the dark night sky. The streets were decked in colorful lights and evergreen firs found a home in every families window, and every store. White Christmas played in the background as the girls just sat in silence with glowing smiles on their faces.
“Are you ready to open your Christmas Eve present sweetheart?” Macy asked her.
“Yes!” This would be the first present Macy would give her daughter, and she would never forget it. She handed her a little box clothed in red sparkly wrapping paper, with a little white glitter bow garnishing the top. Egypt just stared at it for a moment, in complete excitement, then she carefully unwrapped it, Macy stuck the bow to Egypts little freckled forehead and they giggled. As she unwrapped the paper, a jewelry box was revealed, Egypt took a deep breath, and she opened it.
“It’s a locket, it was the only thing left from your parents, Lia gave it to me, she had saved it for you, it was found in your old home after it had been wrecked. It is locked and I can’t get it open, so i’m not sure if there is a picture inside, but I thought it was important that you have it. She put it around Egypts neck and gave her a big hug.
“RING RING!” The phone screamed across the house.
“Hello?” Macy said with a hesitance in her voice, it was nine o’clock on Christmas Eve, who could possible be calling?
“Give me the locket or I take the girl with it,” a creepy voice said on the other line.

“Who is this?!?” Macy was scared.
“Don’t ask questions, just put it in a bag in your mailbox and i’ll come get it.”
“No! that is my daughters and you can’t have it or her!”
“I warned you!” The stranger yelled and ended the call.
“Stupid people these days, he isn’t really going to do anything” She mumbled to herself.
“CRASH! AHHHH!!!” Egypt screamed as a bullet wizzed past her head through the window and into the kitchen! Macy ran over and pulled Egypt to the floor to take cover!

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