Monday, December 17, 2012

November 13th, 2012 (413 words!!!)

“Oh you know what, never mind, we are just going to have a nice walk tonight,” Macy said in a very unconvincing tone trying to come up with an excuse not to drive in his cab. She was not about to put her daughters life in danger like that.
“Here sweetheart you go ahead and get out first,” Macy said as Egypt climbed out over her lap, she reached across to grab Egypts suitcase and ducked out of the cab, just as the sick old man reached through the little opening between the seats and pinched Macys but.
“SMACK!” She turned around and thrust her hand across his face!
“Keep your damn hands off me you sick bastard!”She screamed.
“That’ll teach him to touch me!” Macy mumbled to herself. The man just sat there on his drunk ass for a moment staring at her, completely speechless that she actually slapped him!
“Now get the hell out of here!” She screamed at him as she slammed the back door. He slammed on the gas and sped off before he gave her the chance to get her hands around his throat. So the girls just kept walking until another taxi came along.
“Lets try this again,” Macy thought to herself as a new taxi pulled up.
“Hello ladies, where to on this beautiful Christmas Eve?” An attractive young man with brunette hair and freckles on his nose politely asked. He stepped out of the cab and ran around to the side the girls stood and opened the door for them. Macy was astonished! It isn’t often that you come across a man like this, or even remotely close! The men in the little town were mostly just rude stuck up men in suits, or drunks like the old taxi driver.
“Why thank you very much, we are going to 369 SE 28th St. please!” Macy asked in a sophisticated manner. The young man was so sweet and handsome that she forgot the fact that she was on the run from a killer! Then it clicked with her and she snapped back to reality in an instant.
“Now quickly! I sincerely apologize but we are in a HUGE hurry!” She exclaimed as she helped Egypt into the yellow car.
“Yes ma’am I am so sorry, didn’t mean to keep you waiting, I just don’t find myself in the presence of a beautiful woman like you often. What are you doing out in the cold on this Christmas Eve anyways? No wait! i’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to intrude, that is none of my business!” He quickly backed off and started the car.
“Off to 28th street we go!” He loudly proclaimed in an adventurous voice, drawing a little giggle out of Egypt.

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