Monday, December 17, 2012

November 20th, 2012 (259 words!!!)

“AHH!” Macy slipped and fell on the ice, pulling Nick down with her! He landed flat on top of her, and they laughed for a while, then all of a sudden, he put his hand on her face and kissed her. As he pulled away she looked into his eyes and he knew she wanted more.
“Lets go get a room.” Nick  demanded.

They slammed the door and he shoved her onto the cheap motel room bed. They both struggled to get each others clothes off as fast as possible, their heavy breathing and squealing could most likely be heard throughout the whole motel.
RING RING! Macys phone urgently screamed, she rolled Nick off of her and grabbed her phone,
“Hello?!?” she loudly exclaimed in a panicky voice.
“Macy? damn girl i thought you were ice skating!” She said in a conniving tone.
“Ok somebody is outside our room, he has a gun and is just sitting outside, I locked Egypt into the bathroom, and locked all the doors and windows, and shut all curtains, but you need to get here now! And take the backway, i don’t want him to see you!” Alli loudly whispered into the phone.
“I’m on my way!” Macy yelled as she slammed the phone and searched for her clothes.
“Wait, what? Go where? Was I that bad?” Nick asked, he was so confused,
“I’ll explain on the way! but I need you to drive me to the Motel 6 on C street where Alli and Egypt are now!” Macy pressingly exclaimed to Nick.

November 19th, 2012 (349 words!!!)

Alli was severely entertained, she just sat there with her elbow on the table and her hand supporting her face watching them go back and forth at each other for the rest of breakfast, she didn’t know if they would ever get out of there!
After close to two hours they finally paid the bill, and Nick decided to take a risk.
“Listen, are you busy for the rest of the day, because I would love it if i could take you out for the day, we can go ice skating, and get lunch later, and we can do whatever you want!” He finally finished, it was obvious he was nervous to ask that, Macy turned to Alli for approval.
“I can get a motel room or something and keep Egypt occupied and safe for the day alright? You go have a good time, you need it!” Alli whispered in Macys’ ear, Alli didn’t fully believe that either of the girls lives were in danger, she just came along for an adventure.
“ I would love to,” Macy told Nick.
“AWESOME! I mean, that’s great, let me just go call my boss Mr. Hosking.”
Ring ring!

“Hello?” Mr. Hosking answered.
“Hello Mr. Hosking, this is Nick, I was calling to ask if I could have the rest of the day off?” Nick asked
“Well but of course darling!” Mr. Hosking answered, he was a very feminine man, he grew up without his mom and four sisters, he was forced to wear makeup many more times than any boy should ever experience. After being teased about it at school, and being called gay all the time, he just accepted it and started acting like what everybody assumed he was, gay.
After getting the go-ahead, Nick took Macy to the ice rink. After they squeezed into the uncomfortable shoes they got on the ice.
“So what are you doing out on Christmas?” Nick asked.
“Oh you know, just... hangin...” She sounded so unconvincing, but Nick could tell it was personal and that she didn’t want to tell him so he backed off.

November 18th, 2012 (376 words!!!)


The sun crept through the blinds, placing shadows on Macys’ face.
“GOOOOOD MORNING! You know, I was thinking! You guys this could be kind of fun! You know, how many people get to have an adventure like this? Being on the run for their life? Not many people! But we can! Just the three of us! I packed my bags and got my money and some food! We can do this! We leave in an hour!” Alli had gone completely crazy, Macy didn’t want to be on the run, she just didn’t really have a choice, but if it meant she would have Alli with her, she would play along and pretend it would be fun, so she decided that she would play the role and act like Alli’s idea was a good one!
“Yeah Alli! Just the three of us! On the run! This is going to be so amazing! Scary, but awesome! I’ve got money too, we will beat this guy! He can’t have my daughters’ locket! Who does he think he is to threaten me?” Macy realized that Alli’s uppity attitude helped a lot, it made her feel better about going through with this instead of surrendering.
“I mean, how many librarians get to have an adventure like this? One day I’ll get to tell this story to all my friends, and my grandchildren, and God willing, my husband!” Now Macy was out of her mind, and she knew it, but she liked it! She loved this new feeling of living on the wild side, it was so much better than reading books in the library all day!
        So the girls grabbed their bags and hopped into Alli’s little red car.
“Where to ladies?” Alli asked Macy and Egypt.
“I was personally thinking that some breakfast would be amazing right now! maybe we should stop at the next diner?” Macy suggested.
“Yeah girl! There’s one a few miles from here! I hear it’s really great!” They soon pulled up to a run down little restaurant, where a lit up sign in red letters read Joe’s Diner.
“Hm, sounds decent enough!” Macy commented. So they all got out of the car and embarked on the journey across the rugged parking lot. Anyone could take one look at it and know that it hasn’t been re graveled in more than ten years, there were potholes everywhere, it was like someone just threw grenades everywhere and blew up the whole parking lot!

November 17th, 2012 (250 words!!!)


The sun crept through the blinds, placing shadows on Macys’ face.
“GOOOOOD MORNING! You know, I was thinking! You guys this could be kind of fun! You know, how many people get to have an adventure like this? Being on the run for their life? Not many people! But we can! Just the three of us! I packed my bags and got my money and some food! We can do this! We leave in an hour!” Alli had gone completely crazy, Macy didn’t want to be on the run, she just didn’t really have a choice, but if it meant she would have Alli with her, she would play along and pretend it would be fun, so she decided that she would play the role and act like Alli’s idea was a good one!
“Yeah Alli! Just the three of us! On the run! This is going to be so amazing! Scary, but awesome! I’ve got money too, we will beat this guy! He can’t have my daughters’ locket! Who does he think he is to threaten me?” Macy realized that Alli’s uppity attitude helped a lot, it made her feel better about going through with this instead of surrendering.
“I mean, how many librarians get to have an adventure like this? One day I’ll get to tell this story to all my friends, and my grandchildren, and God willing, my husband!” Now Macy was out of her mind, and she knew it, but she liked it! She loved this new feeling of living on the wild side, it was so much better than reading books in the library all day!
        So the girls grabbed their bags and hopped into Alli’s little red car.
“Where to ladies?” Alli asked Macy and Egypt.
“I was personally thinking that some breakfast would be amazing right now! maybe we should stop at the next diner?” Macy suggested.
“Yeah girl! There’s one a few miles from here! I hear it’s really great!” They soon pulled up to a run down little restaurant, where a lit up sign in red letters read Joe’s Diner.
“Hm, sounds decent enough!” Macy commented. So they all got out of the car and embarked on the journey across the rugged parking lot. Anyone could take one look at it and know that it hasn’t been re graveled in more than ten years, there were potholes everywhere, it was like someone just threw grenades everywhere and blew up the whole parking lot!

November 16th, 2012 (378 words!!!)


The sun crept through the blinds, placing shadows on Macys’ face.
“GOOOOOD MORNING! You know, I was thinking! You guys this could be kind of fun! You know, how many people get to have an adventure like this? Being on the run for their life? Not many people! But we can! Just the three of us! I packed my bags and got my money and some food! We can do this! We leave in an hour!” Alli had gone completely crazy, Macy didn’t want to be on the run, she just didn’t really have a choice, but if it meant she would have Alli with her, she would play along and pretend it would be fun, so she decided that she would play the role and act like Alli’s idea was a good one!
“Yeah Alli! Just the three of us! On the run! This is going to be so amazing! Scary, but awesome! I’ve got money too, we will beat this guy! He can’t have my daughters’ locket! Who does he think he is to threaten me?” Macy realized that Alli’s uppity attitude helped a lot, it made her feel better about going through with this instead of surrendering.
“I mean, how many librarians get to have an adventure like this? One day I’ll get to tell this story to all my friends, and my grandchildren, and God willing, my husband!” Now Macy was out of her mind, and she knew it, but she liked it! She loved this new feeling of living on the wild side, it was so much better than reading books in the library all day!
        So the girls grabbed their bags and hopped into Alli’s little red car.
“Where to ladies?” Alli asked Macy and Egypt.
“I was personally thinking that some breakfast would be amazing right now! maybe we should stop at the next diner?” Macy suggested.
“Yeah girl! There’s one a few miles from here! I hear it’s really great!” They soon pulled up to a run down little restaurant, where a lit up sign in red letters read Joe’s Diner.
“Hm, sounds decent enough!” Macy commented. So they all got out of the car and embarked on the journey across the rugged parking lot. Anyone could take one look at it and know that it hasn’t been re graveled in more than ten years, there were potholes everywhere, it was like someone just threw grenades everywhere and blew up the whole parking lot!

November 12, 2012 (414 words!!!)


The sun crept through the blinds, placing shadows on Macys’ face.
“GOOOOOD MORNING! You know, I was thinking! You guys this could be kind of fun! You know, how many people get to have an adventure like this? Being on the run for their life? Not many people! But we can! Just the three of us! I packed my bags and got my money and some food! We can do this! We leave in an hour!” Alli had gone completely crazy, Macy didn’t want to be on the run, she just didn’t really have a choice, but if it meant she would have Alli with her, she would play along and pretend it would be fun, so she decided that she would play the role and act like Alli’s idea was a good one!
“Yeah Alli! Just the three of us! On the run! This is going to be so amazing! Scary, but awesome! I’ve got money too, we will beat this guy! He can’t have my daughters’ locket! Who does he think he is to threaten me?” Macy realized that Alli’s uppity attitude helped a lot, it made her feel better about going through with this instead of surrendering.
“I mean, how many librarians get to have an adventure like this? One day I’ll get to tell this story to all my friends, and my grandchildren, and God willing, my husband!” Now Macy was out of her mind, and she knew it, but she liked it! She loved this new feeling of living on the wild side, it was so much better than reading books in the library all day!
        So the girls grabbed their bags and hopped into Alli’s little red car.
“Where to ladies?” Alli asked Macy and Egypt.
“I was personally thinking that some breakfast would be amazing right now! maybe we should stop at the next diner?” Macy suggested.
“Yeah girl! There’s one a few miles from here! I hear it’s really great!” They soon pulled up to a run down little restaurant, where a lit up sign in red letters read Joe’s Diner.
“Hm, sounds decent enough!” Macy commented. So they all got out of the car and embarked on the journey across the rugged parking lot. Anyone could take one look at it and know that it hasn’t been re graveled in more than ten years, there were potholes everywhere, it was like someone just threw grenades everywhere and blew up the whole parking lot!

November 14th, 2012 (516 words!!!)

After driving through the snow about fifteen minutes they came upon Alli’s house, just as Macy realized that she had forgotten to call Alli to warn her they were coming! It would just have to be unexpected. She gently handed the taxi boy some money and a large tip.
“Just a second little miss!” He yelled out the passenger window to Egypt,
“Have a candy cane sweetheart! And merry Christmas, have a wonderful night!” He put the striped candy into the palm of Egypts hand and she thanked him then ran to the door where Alli was standing, looking a little confused.
“Thank you ma’am for being the one nice customer i’ve had tonight, you brought me some Christmas cheer.” He mentioned as he handed her a candy cane too.
“You didn’t think I only give them out to kids did you?” He asked in a sarcastic voice as he winked and handed her the candy, wrapped around it was a piece of paper with his phone number. She glanced up and thanked him attempting to hide the fact that she was blushing. She softly closed the door and gave a wave and a smile as he drove off. Then she turned around to see Alli standing in the doorway, she could tell right away that she was concerned.

“You snuck out of the fire escape and told her you were taking an adventure? Then made the poor thing walk in the cold for blocks? And now I watch you flirt with a taxi driver? What is going on Macy?” Alli was so confused and worried, but mostly anxious to get an answer. Macy was scared to answer,
“I don’t know, someone called my house and threatened me, then when I ignored it, a bullet came crashing through my window barely missing Egypts head... Then the phone rang again and it was the same frightening voice, telling me that if I didn’t give him what he wanted, he would kill her!” She instantly fell to the ground weeping,
“I’m so scared Alli! What do I do?!?” She asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Why didn’t you call me? And what the hell does he want? Is it money? Why is he after a little girl? I need more details Macy!”
Alli was becoming very upset, she was very protective of Macy and never let anyone bully her!
“He.. *sniff* He said he wanted her locket, the one she had just opened moments before the call.” Macy explained as she found her way back to her feet.
“Well give him the damn locket! Buy her a new one and you can get out of this situation!” Alli yelled in an upset voice.
“I can’t! It’s the only thing left from her parents! I can’t even get it open and I don’t know what’s in it! You should have seen her face light up when she opened it, it’s the only piece she has left of them! How could I take that from her!” Macy was crying again, this was too much drama for her.

November 13th, 2012 (413 words!!!)

“Oh you know what, never mind, we are just going to have a nice walk tonight,” Macy said in a very unconvincing tone trying to come up with an excuse not to drive in his cab. She was not about to put her daughters life in danger like that.
“Here sweetheart you go ahead and get out first,” Macy said as Egypt climbed out over her lap, she reached across to grab Egypts suitcase and ducked out of the cab, just as the sick old man reached through the little opening between the seats and pinched Macys but.
“SMACK!” She turned around and thrust her hand across his face!
“Keep your damn hands off me you sick bastard!”She screamed.
“That’ll teach him to touch me!” Macy mumbled to herself. The man just sat there on his drunk ass for a moment staring at her, completely speechless that she actually slapped him!
“Now get the hell out of here!” She screamed at him as she slammed the back door. He slammed on the gas and sped off before he gave her the chance to get her hands around his throat. So the girls just kept walking until another taxi came along.
“Lets try this again,” Macy thought to herself as a new taxi pulled up.
“Hello ladies, where to on this beautiful Christmas Eve?” An attractive young man with brunette hair and freckles on his nose politely asked. He stepped out of the cab and ran around to the side the girls stood and opened the door for them. Macy was astonished! It isn’t often that you come across a man like this, or even remotely close! The men in the little town were mostly just rude stuck up men in suits, or drunks like the old taxi driver.
“Why thank you very much, we are going to 369 SE 28th St. please!” Macy asked in a sophisticated manner. The young man was so sweet and handsome that she forgot the fact that she was on the run from a killer! Then it clicked with her and she snapped back to reality in an instant.
“Now quickly! I sincerely apologize but we are in a HUGE hurry!” She exclaimed as she helped Egypt into the yellow car.
“Yes ma’am I am so sorry, didn’t mean to keep you waiting, I just don’t find myself in the presence of a beautiful woman like you often. What are you doing out in the cold on this Christmas Eve anyways? No wait! i’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to intrude, that is none of my business!” He quickly backed off and started the car.
“Off to 28th street we go!” He loudly proclaimed in an adventurous voice, drawing a little giggle out of Egypt.

November 11th, 2012 (301 words!!!)


“No sweetheart, don’t go out the front door!” She said nervously as she closed all the curtains.
“We are going to take an adventure and go out the back way!”
“The fire escape?” Egypt asked sounding very confused.
“Yeah! It will be fun!” Macy tried to convince her.
“Well ok? But you have a strange idea of fun mommy.”
They climbed down the fire escape, knowing that somebody was stationed somewhere outside her home waiting for her scared Macy so much. They made it to the end of the ladder and hopped into the snow.
“Come on lets go lets go!”
“Why are we walking? Alli lives far!” Egypt complained.
“Remember we are taking an adventure, we will run for awhile and then we will catch a cab! Here let me carry your bag!” She grabbed Egypts bag and her hand and just kept running. She couldn’t tell if Egypt was really confused or if she could tell something was wrong.
“Taxi! Taxi!” Macy hollard after they had ran twelve blocks. The taxi pulled over and the girls hopped into the back seat, an old man looked back, his cold blue eyes stared at them while they got comfortable. His arm was rested on the top of the front seat, and his big baggy black winter coat almost hid his oversized beer belly.
“The names Scott, where’ll it be tonight hot stuff?” He asked in a perverted tone while he looked Macy up and down, trying to find away to see past her scarf and down her shirt. He left the divider window open instead of giving any privacy of a thin plastic window.
“We’ll be going to...” Macy stopped talking, she glanced at the six empty beer bottles in the front passenger seat, quickly realizing he was hammered.

November 10th, 2012 (405 words!)

Three weeks passed, it was Christmas Eve, the stockings were hung above the fireplace, the cookies and milk were out for Santa, and the presents were nestled under the tree. Macy and Egypt sat next to the window with their hot cocoa and candy canes watching the snowfall from the dark night sky. The streets were decked in colorful lights and evergreen firs found a home in every families window, and every store. White Christmas played in the background as the girls just sat in silence with glowing smiles on their faces.
“Are you ready to open your Christmas Eve present sweetheart?” Macy asked her.
“Yes!” This would be the first present Macy would give her daughter, and she would never forget it. She handed her a little box clothed in red sparkly wrapping paper, with a little white glitter bow garnishing the top. Egypt just stared at it for a moment, in complete excitement, then she carefully unwrapped it, Macy stuck the bow to Egypts little freckled forehead and they giggled. As she unwrapped the paper, a jewelry box was revealed, Egypt took a deep breath, and she opened it.
“It’s a locket, it was the only thing left from your parents, Lia gave it to me, she had saved it for you, it was found in your old home after it had been wrecked. It is locked and I can’t get it open, so i’m not sure if there is a picture inside, but I thought it was important that you have it. She put it around Egypts neck and gave her a big hug.
“RING RING!” The phone screamed across the house.
“Hello?” Macy said with a hesitance in her voice, it was nine o’clock on Christmas Eve, who could possible be calling?
“Give me the locket or I take the girl with it,” a creepy voice said on the other line.

“Who is this?!?” Macy was scared.
“Don’t ask questions, just put it in a bag in your mailbox and i’ll come get it.”
“No! that is my daughters and you can’t have it or her!”
“I warned you!” The stranger yelled and ended the call.
“Stupid people these days, he isn’t really going to do anything” She mumbled to herself.
“CRASH! AHHHH!!!” Egypt screamed as a bullet wizzed past her head through the window and into the kitchen! Macy ran over and pulled Egypt to the floor to take cover!