Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 21, 2013 (267 words)

Time flies too fast at the end of the school year, i'm not sure how much more I can take. I just need to be done and get out of here... I have grown to hate this school more than anything. There is a certain group of of who have always been in the "keep watch" group for teachers, we make one move and we are instantly analyzed and asked what we are doing. Something happens at school and all the fingers are pointed at us. I'm sick of it, it needs to stop.

Also the dress code... ugh it pisses me off! I got in trouble recently for a skirt that met requirements, the teacher even told me it did, then she told me that it just looked good and might be distracting! What am I supposed to do?!? Dress like a freaking pilgrim?!? Then there's this one girl in one of my classes and she wears little boxer shorts EVERYDAY! And guess what? She has never gotten in trouble! EVER! I am about to lose my mind! This school does not work by the rules, I follow the rules and I still get in trouble! The dress code works like this:

Oh, you look good in that! Go change.
You have a big butt and those pants make it look good. go change.
NO MORE!!!! I don't care anymore!
They make their rules by how they feel and I wont stand for it anymore! I've been picked on by this school since 8th grade year! And I wont put up with it anymore! AHGHIDAHJGEOUAHGUIEOHGE........

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