Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March 11th, 2013 (375 words!!!)

I hate the way girls look at each other in instant judgement. The way so many girls will take one look at someone and see every flaw possible;
"Look at that pimple, ew like doesn't she take care of herself?"
"She definitely gained five pounds last summer"
Or my personal favorite,
"Why would any guy ever date her? I'm way prettier!"
Seriously, girls are just bitches. Why is it so hard to look at someone and say, wow she is really beautiful, or of course she has her issues, but she deserves the world.
Well i'm going to tell you a little secret.
I don't care if she's a whore,
or a liar, or a backstabbing gossiping psychotic crazy chic! There's someone out there for everyone! and they all deserve that person!

Have you ever met one of those girls who will just say anything and do anything to make sure that you aren't happy? Someone that tries to turn your friends against you, or attempts to make you live in fear because she knows things about you that nobody else does?
Well here's what you do, don't let it bother you! If they want to do that to you, then they aren't worth a moment of your time, it doesn't mean you should hate them and want them to be unhappy. But they don't have to be a part of your life, and as for the things they are doing to you? Don't sweat it, your real friends wont believe it, they will take your side and stand up for you, and in the end, the person that has tried to turn everyone against you just turns everyone agains his/herself. Everybody will see that persons true colors, and by the time it's over they wont want anything to do with them. Gossiping about people doesn't make others want to be your friend, or trust you. I know, i've been there, and life is so much easier without trying to spread rumors about other people or make them look stupid. So can we just all like chill out and live life to the fullest? :)

Thanks for listening to my vent post :P

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