Monday, February 25, 2013

January 29th, 2013 (546 words!!!)

(Continued story)

        "Don't ever ask where my money comes from. Just accept it and be happy with it." Jared abruptly responded, that was not the response Martha was expecting at all. But how was she to just let this go?

        "I'm headed out Martha, don't wait up," Jared yelled from the front door as he left.
"OK sweetheart!" She responded as she flung her coat over her should and slipped her shoes on. She waited till he had pulled out of the driveway, then she ran to her car and drove off, cautiously following him from a distance.
        He pulled into a crowded parking lot.
"What's he doing at a bar?" Martha whispered to herself. She turned off the car and watched him enter the grim looking building with a black briefcase. Martha glanced down at herself realizing that she was in her pajamas, she couldn't go into a bar! She would draw too much attention, she would just have to go home for the night. As she pulled out of the parking lot she peeked at her rearview mirror, just to catch a glimpse of Jared running out of the building with several other men all dressed in suits! She slammed on the brakes the moment she saw other men come out with guns, she spun around and pulled up next to Jared;
"GET IN!" She screamed! He jumped into the car and the other men piled into the backseat with guns in all their hands. She sped out of the parking lot.
"What the hell are you doing here?!?" Jared yelled at her,
"I should be asking you the same thing! I was following you to find out where you disappear to all the time! So what the hell are you doing here?!" Martha responded. Silence overwhelmed the car. They dropped the men off at a restaurant and took Jared home. They walked in the door and Martha sat down ready for an explanation, but Jared just said goodnight and walked away.
    Not knowing what to do Martha grabbed her keys again and headed to her best friend Larissa's house. She told her everything that had happened, and how suspicious everything was.
"What was the bar called?" Larissa asked.
"I don't know, it was the one off of 49th." Martha responded.
"OH! That's black sky! What was Jared doing there? That's where all the mobsters meet."
"Oh my god." Martha gasped and buried her head in her hands.
"What do I do?" She asked Larissa.
"There isn't really anything you can do. You need to get out, now." Larissa could see the fear in Martha's eyes.
"If you don't get out of here now, and they find out that you know stuff you shouldn't. They wont back down, they will kill you, go home, get all the money you can, pretend that you think he is just cheating on you or something, get everything while he's sleeping and leave."


       That was it, Jared never saw her again, nobody knows where she is, or if she's ok. She disappeared, just like she was told to. Nobody has heard from her since that night.

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