Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28th, 2013 (522 words!!!)

Imagine a dolphin that has been taken into captivity, to be a performer, a show dolphin. It is required to learn a new trick, but every time it attempts it they pull it back and tell it that it isn't ready, until show day comes and they just throw it out there into the world expecting it to know what to do!
That is how I feel, my parents say "Adriel you need to learn to make your own decisions, Adriel you need to find a job, you aren't a little girl anymore, you need to grow up." But then when I try to make a decision for myself, they tell me no! Then I remind them of what they've told me, i'm growing up, i'm a young adult! Shouldn't I be able to make this decision myself? Then they just laugh at me! They tell me i'm not mature enough! And that I still live in their house and when i'm out I can make my own decisions! How am I to be ready to move out if they wont let me make my own decisions now? It is so confusing! I'm ready to grow up, to be responsible and get a job, and everything, and they tell me to, but when I try to they pull me back and don't let me. Anyways, I have vented so now i'll write something else!

             Anticipation lingered on Marthas body like an overpowering perfume, every eye in the room could see her excitement, at least the very few of her friends that had shown up. Only two of her six brides maids had come for the wedding, and one of them forgot her long red dress. Martha decided to walk down the aisle anyways, with or without her friends, who cares what they think of her fiance? She loved him, and that is all that matters, she doesn't need the approval of friends of family! At least that's what she told herself. She walked down the aisle, exchanged rings, and said her I do's just like she had planned. Now she would be happy forever! She repeated the words to herself,
"Till death do we part," over and over again, knowing that he was there for good. Finally someone would be there for her when something went wrong, be her everything, someone who thought the world of her. They both waved goodbye and got into their limo that would take them to the airport, they were going to spend their honeymoon in the Galapagos Islands. Her new husband Jared didn't mind that her family and friends didn't like him, he just wanted to be with Martha. He loved her very much, her bought her big diamonds, and fur coats, he got her whatever her heart desired. Although, Martha didn't understand how he made all of that money from his construction company, so she decided to ask.
"Darling... How do you have all of this money? It just doesn't make sense that you would make so much from your company."


1 comment:

  1. I really like your "vent" in the beginning. I like how really displayed your emotions. Your story is really interesting too! I am excited to find out where Jared gets all this moneyy...!
